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The unexpectedly violent explosion of the Terneuzen lock was due to miscalculations | NOW

During the explosion of part of the Middensluis in Terneuzen, too explosive may have been used due to miscalculations. That writes Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Frank Harbers in a letter to the House of Representatives. The explosion on March 23 was so violent that around 200 people were injured.

The demolition of the Middensluis should have gone unnoticed, but it was so severe that the shock was recorded as far as the Ardennes. The client of the construction of the Nieuwe Sluis has commissioned an investigation into this “underestimated thud”.

The evaluation shows that errors were made in the preparatory calculations. Due to these miscalculations, too explosive may have been used. The explosive material was also detonated in too short a time, Harbers writes.

The unexpectedly violent explosion caused more vibrations than expected. This mainly caused damage in the city center of Terneuzen. According to Harbers, this mainly concerns, for example, cracks or broken windows.

Most of the roughly two hundred journalists have now heard whether they are entitled to compensation. According to Harbers, more than half of these people were told that their damages would be repaired or that they would receive financial compensation.

The remainder of the lock will not be demolished until a new plan has been drawn up. Harbers expects the explosion to be planned for later this year.

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