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The Unconventional Love Life of Vladimir Basov: How the Artist Captured Women’s Hearts

The artist knew how to melt a woman’s heart.

To become a movie star, it is not at all necessary to have a perfect appearance. This is proved by the example of Vladimir Basov. The artist was not only popular in the profession, but also enjoyed great success with women.

The fair sex was not at all embarrassed that the actor was considered by many to be a “freak”. Basov entered into an official marriage three times, and all his wives were surprisingly beautiful.

The first wife of a celebrity was Rosa Makagonova. The couple did not have joint children. After a divorce from his wife, Basov went to the registry office with Natalya Fateeva, whom millions of Soviet men dreamed of.

The actress gave the star a son, Vladimir. Despite this, the marriage broke up. Basov’s last wife was Valentina Titova. The lovers had a son, Alexander, and a daughter, Elizabeth.

The artist did not become an exemplary wife and mother. She left the family, leaving heirs with her father. Basov was having a hard time breaking up with his beloved woman, against which he began to abuse alcohol. Nine years later, he died of a stroke.

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