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The Ultimate Guide to Using Snapchat Ads Manager

Snapchat’s potential advertising reach is 616.9 million users. Explore Snapchat Ads Manager to learn how to effectively reach your most engaged audience.

Snapchat Ads Manager is a useful tool for any business looking to create self-serve ads on Snapchat.

Although there’s less news about Snapchat these days, the platform’s audience continues to grow, with total potential ad reach reaching 616.9 million people. This represents a 20% growth over the previous year.

Learn more about what Snapchat Ads Manager is, how to navigate it, and how to use it to create effective Snapchat ads.

What is Snapchat Ads Manager?

Snapchat Ads Manager Snapchat’s default dashboard for creating, managing, and reporting on Snap ads and campaigns.

The dashboard also includes Campaign Lab, a testing platform that helps you improve your advertising by learning what works best.

source: snapchat

You’ll need a Snapchat Business account to use Snapchat Ad Manager. First, you need a Snapchat business account.

How to Set Up a Snapchat Business Account

Step 1: Go to Snapchat Ads Manager. If you don’t already have a personal Snapchat account, click Next. accession next to What’s new in Snapchat.

Step 2: To create a Snapchat business account, enter your business details.

You can also create a public profile for your business on Snapchat here, but we’ll cover that in the last section of this post. For now, let’s get started creating your first Snapchat ad campaign.

How to Create an Ad in Snapchat Ads Manager

Snapchat self-service Ad Manager offers two ways to create ads: advanced creation or instant creation.

Basics: Creating Ads in Snapchat Ads Manager Instant Create

Instant creation lets you create an ad in just a few clicks, but it may not work for all objectives. To get started, open Ads Manager and select: create instantly.

Source: Snapchat Ads Manager

Step 1: Choose your goal

Select one of the available advertising objectives.

  • visit website
  • promote local places
  • call and text
  • install app
  • Visit App

Then enter the relevant details based on your goals. For example, for visiting a website, enter the URL. You can also choose to automatically import photos from websites to make your ads even easier. Then click next.

Step 2: Add creatives

If you don’t get your content from the site, upload a photo or video.

Enter your business name and headline, then choose a call to action and template. When you’re satisfied with the ad preview, click Next. next.

Step 3: Choose a shipping option

Target your ads, set your budget and schedule. You can choose a daily budget as low as $5.

Enter your payment details and click. postYour ad has been posted.

Advanced: Creating Ads in Snapchat Ads Manager Advanced Creation

Choose advanced creation to drive purchases or build multiple ad sets. To get started, open Ads Manager and select: Advanced creation.

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Step 1: Choose a goal

You can choose from 11 goals categorized into Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion categories. For the purposes of this post we will choose: engagement Towards the goal.

Step 2: Select campaign details

Name your campaign, choose a campaign start and end date, and choose a campaign budget. The minimum daily campaign spend limit is $20, but in the next step you can choose a daily ad set budget as low as $5.

Here you can also choose whether you want to set up split testing. This is an optional feature that will be explained in the last section of this post. You can leave split testing off for now.

Step 3: Create an ad set

Name your first ad set, choose ad set start and end dates, and choose an ad set budget.

Then select your placement. For beginners, automatic placement is best. If you have test results showing which specific placements are best for you, you can choose which placements you want to focus on. You can also use placements to include or exclude specific content categories or publishers.

You can target your ad sets based on location, demographics, and device. You can use predefined audiences based on interests and behavior, or add your own custom audiences. While targeting, you’ll see your estimated audience size on the right side of your screen.

Finally, select your ad objective (swipe up or open a story). If you choose Story Opens, you’ll need to create a story ad. You can also choose your bidding strategy here. In most cases, automatic bidding is the recommended option. When you are satisfied with all of your selections, click Next. next.

Step 4: Add creatives

Enter your business name and ad title. You can upload a video, create a new video, or select existing content from your Snap account.

Please select an attachment. Although it’s a bit of a confusing term, it simply refers to how users engage with advertising: by phone, text, or through AR lenses. The attachments you choose will affect the available calls to action.

If you’re happy with your ad, click Next. Review and Publish.

Step 5: Finalize your campaign

After reviewing your campaign details and adding a payment method, Post a campaign.

Useful Snapchat Ads Manager Features

Now that you know the basics of setting up a campaign in Snapchat Ad Manager, let’s take a look at some of the more advanced features of this tool.

public profile

Snapchat recently launched public profiles for businesses. This is a permanent profile page for your business that serves as a home for all your organic Snapchat content, including shoppable products.

When you create an ad through Snapchat Ads Manager, your public profile image and name will appear in the top left corner of your ad and link to your public profile.

To create a public profile:

Step 1: Go to Ads Manager and select public profile From the left drop-down menu

Step 2: After uploading your profile photo, add a hero (banner) image, introduction, category, location, and website.

If you already have a public profile, you’ll need to link that profile to your advertising account.

  1. In Ads Manager, select: public profile From the left drop-down menu
  2. Select a profile and click. settingthen click +Link to your advertising account. One public profile can be linked to up to 100 advertising accounts.

split testing

Snapchat Ad Manager has a built-in split testing option. You can use this tool to test the following variables:

  • creative
  • audience
  • placement
  • target

When you create a split test, you will have a different set of ads for each variable you want to test.

Let’s say you want to test your ad creative. You can get different ad sets with the same audience, placement, and delivery settings, so you know that your creative makes a real difference to your results.

Your budget is distributed evenly across your ad sets, so you know each set is getting a fair result. Split test results tell you which ad set has the lowest cost per objective, and also provide a confidence score that tells you how confident Snapchat is about the test results. In other words, if you run the same test a second time, what are the chances that this ad set will succeed again?

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source: snapchat business

With one click, you’ll see a star icon next to your winning ad set in Ads Manager. run Option to create a new campaign based on win variables.

source: snapchat business

Advanced targeting

Snapchat Ads Manager offers multiple layers of advanced targeting to help you make the most of your Snap advertising budget.

  • location: Select specific locations to include or exclude.
  • Demographics: Target by age, gender, and language.
  • Lifestyle: Target people based on Snapchat’s predefined audiences, from adventurers to home improvement experts, techies, and gadget enthusiasts.
  • visitor: Target people based on the places they take their mobile devices, such as nightclubs, golf courses, and banks.
  • device: Target by operating system, device manufacturer, connection type, and carrier.
  • Snap Audience Match: Utilize customer lists such as email, phone number, and device ID to target customers who have interacted in the past.
  • Similar audiences: Target Snapchat users with similar characteristics to your existing customers.
  • Pixel Custom Audience: Target people who have interacted with your brand website (aka retargeting).
  • Ad Engagement Audience: Target people who have previously interacted with your Snap ads.
  • Profiles for: Target people who have engaged with your public Snapchat profile.

snap pixel

Snap Pixel is a piece of code you install on your website to measure the effectiveness of your Snapchat advertising campaigns.

source: snapchat business

To set up Snap Pixel in Ads Manager:

1. In Ads Manager event manager From the left drop-down menu

2. Click new event sourceand then select knitting.

3. Click check After creating your Pixel, choose whether you want to install it on your website (pixel code) or use a third-party integration.

4. From the left drop-down menu Ad Management Select the ad set you want to track. choose editthen switch Snap Pixel to: attached.

Don’t forget to install the Pixel code on your website.

Creator Marketplace

In Snapchat Ads Manager Creator Marketplace Click the drop-down menu on the left to connect with creators who specialize in creating Snapchat AR lenses. Click on the creator’s profile to see examples of their work and their rates.

Once you’ve worked with a creator to develop an AR lens, you can include that lens as an attachment in your Snap ads.

advertising template

During the ad creation workflow in Advanced Creation, you have the option to create an ad based on an existing Snapchat video ad template.

For each layer of the template, you can upload or import your own content or choose from the stock library built into Snapchat Ads Manager.

You can also upload your own templates to make it easier to create consistent ads later.

Snapchat Ads Analysis

that Ad Management The tabs in Ads Manager show you how well your Snap ads are performing based on the metrics you choose. This tab is also how you check your daily spending in Snapchat Ad Manager.

In Ads Manager Ad Management Using the tabs at the top of the screen in the left drop-down menu, you can view various graphs of the most relevant metrics based on the events for which your ads were optimized.

source: snapchat business

choose Customize columns Select specific metrics to view in your Ads Management table, then create custom reports using those columns. Once you see the column you want, click on it. downloadorganize the report send out.

also report From the left drop-down menu

audience insight

Snapchat’s Audience Insights tool in Ads Manager helps you better understand your target audience, so you can create more relevant ads and organic content.

In Ads Manager, select: audience insight Enter your target demographics, location information, interests, and/or devices from the left drop-down menu on the left side of the screen. Doing so will update your insights about your selection.

You can get valuable information here. For example, if you’ve uploaded a custom audience, you can identify and target that audience’s key interests. You’ll also be able to view demographic analytics, which will help you better understand how to write relevant content and target future ads.

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