Want a super smooth long bob but the straightener isn’t working? We reveal the secret to straightening your hair to perfection.
You just cut your hair and would like yours long bob is perfectly smooth? If you have i basic wavy or curly hair and you don’t want to iron your hair every day, we’ll reveal the trucchetto to have the perfect smooth.
As you know, spend every day there plate doesn’t do much good to the hair, even if it is the very famous ones Ghd o Dysonit is always best not to subject your hair to too much stress to avoid ruin them making them dry, brittle and full of split ends.
But if you are too let go of fashion of the long bob, but your hair is not perfect smooth by natureyou can try some hair straightening techniques and don’t owe you anymore worry about blur the del crespo (and you will save also time to get ready).
One of the techniques to straighten your hair and get a lpermanent edge among the most loved and used is the chemical ironingbut what does it consist of? Let’s see how it works and what to do for do not harm hair.
How chemical ironing works
With the chemical ironingyour hair may be of a perfect smooth for a really long time, but how does it work? To chemically straighten your hair, you will have to go to a hairdresserBetter avoid DIY kits (so as not to make a mistake and irreparably ruin your hair), which he will proceed by applying to your hair 3 ingredients.
The first is an agent capable of break the disulfide bonds of keratinthen the hairdresser will apply a alkaline basis and finally thehydrogen peroxide. These 3 ingredients together will make your hair, from curly or wavy, become super smooth. After doing this, the hairdresser will proceed to straighten your hair with a 100% ceramic plate by setting it from 180° to 200°in this way, the heat of the plate it will speed up chemical reactions to straighten hair.

How often can we iron straight hair?
If you are wondering if this process can damage your hairthe answer is no, that’s enough do not overdo it with treatments and rely on a good hairdresser. The greatest risk, in fact, is of leave the products on for too long, risking burn the hair and it would be better to repeat the treatment every 4 months minimumotherwise the hair could weaken and break.
Generally speaking, straightening your hair with a chemical straightener should guarantee smoothness for about 6 months and, in addition, this type of ironing is also useful for tame frizzy hair, but remember to take care! After doing this type of treatment, try using gods good hair products and choose shampoo and conditioner with nourishing and restorative action to strengthen them.