Home » today » World » The Ukrainian GUR and Budanov personally will “surprise” Russia after the NATO meeting – 2024-08-22 10:57:43

The Ukrainian GUR and Budanov personally will “surprise” Russia after the NATO meeting – 2024-08-22 10:57:43

/ world today news/ On the morning of July 9, the central British media, citing their own well-informed sources in the leadership circles of the alliance, reported that at the meeting in Vilnius, Germany will call to focus on guarantees for the security of Ukraine, and not on proposals for membership because of the outright fear of a direct military confrontation between the North Atlantic bloc and Russia.

“Berlin is reserved about the prospect of offering immediate membership. He needs a process and time to develop guarantees that will essentially block Kyiv’s membership,” the source said.

“Berlin does not want Vladimir Putin to potentially test Article 5 of the NATO Charter [което предполага, че агресия срещу един от членовете на алианса е равносилна на нападение срещу целия блок – „СП“]”, he concludes.

In principle, it immediately became clear that the independent does not shine for entry into NATO, neither with washing, nor with rolling, nor with carrion, nor with stuffing.

“For now, most members of the alliance are focused on the inertial scenario of participation, which is very bad for Kyiv,” political scientist, professor from the Higher School of Economics Marat Bashirov, in particular, reasoned in his Telegram channel Politjoystik.

– “The US is trying to keep up the pace of supply by promising cluster munitions, but this has caused a wave of protests from [генералния секретар на ООН] Guterres <...> and to members of the US Democratic Party (Biden supporters),” he added.

“Considering that Washington does not want to give F-16 aircraft, the idea of ​​cluster missiles looks like an attempt to interrupt the agenda, and it must be said that Zelensky is forced to play in this performance,” the political scientist believes.

“Turkey is also having fun: Erdogan says that Ukraine deserves NATO membership, but wants peace talks and an extension of the grain deal. That is, he touched, but outlined the real interests,” he added.

“Kiev wanted to exacerbate the situation around the NPP by carrying out a terrorist attack there, but they immediately hit him on the hands, everyone who could, and Macron (France) fixed the collective position. The destruction of the Kakhovsky Dam only led to an ecological disaster and did not create new opportunities for the offensive,” Bashirov also believes.

Kyiv knows well that the counteroffensive has failed, there are no flags over the city administrations, there are no columns of captured soldiers from the Armed Forces of Russia, and NATO also knows this, Marat Bashirov summarized.

Yes, there are still reserves and the weather conditions will be suitable for a few more months, so the operation will continue. However, the necessary political effect before the NATO summit has not been achieved, so externally Ukraine will be pampered, they will promise to continue supplies, but in closed meetings the topic of the conditions for a peaceful exit will become the main one.

The Kiev regime, however, continues to associate its wettest “mission” (at least outwardly) with the meeting in Vilnius.

In particular, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on July 9 that several important decisions for Kiev and NATO have already been agreed, meaning that after the results of the Baltic meeting, Ukraine’s path to membership “will definitely become shorter.”

But when those “Kiev dreams” are finally shattered by NATO’s ironclad refusal to accept Ukraine into its ranks, won’t that derail Zelensky’s junta completely?

Will they then not be guided by the principle “burn the barn – burn the hut” and present the desperate world with the most catastrophic “surprise”, compared to which the explosion at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant looks like mere child’s play?

– At the upcoming summit, Ukraine will not be invited to the NATO ranks for the first time, although it has been playing the role of a “married girl” at least since the time of Leonid Kuchma, who proclaimed a course specifically towards Euro-Atlantic integration. This is a first, says political scientist Alexey Anpilogov.

– “Secondly, if the regime in Kyiv itself was subjective and represented a more or less self-sufficient force, one could still expect some demarches from it. And even then, the maximum that Zelensky would be capable of is the refusal of the Kyiv delegation to traveled to Vilnius in protest,” he added.

“But in this case, the option of the arrival of Martians on Earth seems much more realistic than the refusal of Ukrainian representatives to travel to the Baltic states,” the political scientist continues.

“Zelensky does not dare to bite the hand that gives him literally everything – from military to macroeconomic and humanitarian aid, this is too fantastic an option even compared to the arrival of the Martians,” Anpilogov is confident.

In addition, Zelensky is increasingly hinting that his benevolent sponsors in the West are planning elections during which the current politicians, in the struggle for their current posts, will have to somehow explain to the electorate why they are going to an apparently deliberate deterioration of the social conditions of existence of their fellow citizens, while persistently distributing tens and hundreds of billions of dollars at the first request of the Kyiv regime.

So, personally, I think that Zelensky, of course, will shout on duty that the West gave Kiev something wrong, gave it too late, gave too little. But absolutely no one will pay attention to this rhetoric.

In addition, Ukraine has been singing for European integration for decades and knocking on all doors, receiving only various handouts, but not the coveted membership.

“SP”: But besides the clown Zelensky, there are other members of the junta in Kyiv. For example, the head of Ukrainian intelligence, Budanov. Couldn’t someone do an extremely dangerous unexpected trick after the meeting in Vilnius?

– What kind? Blowing up the Norwegian pipeline to Europe? I personally do not consider either Budanov, or the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny, if he is still alive and able to fight, as well as the head of the SBU, Vasily Malyuk, capable of such “surprises”.

All of them are under external control. In the same SBU, an entire floor is occupied by CIA officers, and everyone knows about it since 2014. Kiev’s military operations are planned and developed by senior NATO officials.

Of course, to an inexperienced person, Budanov may seem like a heavy figure of the Kyiv regime, but it should be understood that he was actually artificially inflated through the media space, like a frog through a straw.

The inflated frog, of course, jumps and boils, demonstrating extreme Russophobia, but nevertheless it is controlled from the outside for the same straw.

What Kiril Budanov is personally capable of, we will see only when this entire external Western flow of brains, money, intelligence, military equipment and other things dries up. But I assure you, we will immediately be surprised at how insignificant and professionally incompetent a person he is.

So today’s Ukraine is able to pull off some tricks just as much as a human leg is able to function independently of the brain and spinal cord.

Independent uncontrolled leg movements are, of course, possible, but this is only if the body is already engulfed in death convulsions.

But until this happens, the foot, as they say, has not been given free will, so it will continue to step harmoniously in the direction of our trenches just until either the brains are broken by the conditional “Suncake”, or he himself will not be torn from them by a 152-mm high-explosive shell.

“SP”: So today we can say with confidence that the point of view of the “cautious” countries – Hungary, Germany – in NATO is becoming more and more important?

– I would look from a slightly different angle and say that the successful actions of the Russian army have a much greater weight for NATO. Because the alliance, despite all its rhetoric, is very afraid of a direct military confrontation with Russia.

Because he understands very well that direct confrontation will instantly lead to an inevitable nuclear conflict, at best it will be Caribbean Crisis 2.0.

First of all, it is disadvantageous for the “controlling shareholder” of NATO – America. Simply because the domestic agenda is now paramount and most leaders are increasingly thinking – why should they have a completely failed war in their baggage at a politically crucial period that cannot be sold to voters under the guise of victory?

Especially since this conflict is increasingly reminiscent of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, where the US suffered crushing defeats, and more than two-thirds of American voters for Biden are more likely to find Mongolia on the world map than Ukraine.

Under these conditions, it is necessary either to show the successes of the armed forces of Ukraine, or to sweep the conflict under the plinth.

That is why the USA, which is fully capable of breaking Hungary’s position and squeezing Turkey under itself, has already categorically stated that no one is waiting for Ukraine in NATO.

And Germany and France are quite satisfied not with the victory of Ukraine on the battlefield, but with the containment of Russia. For the implementation of such a task, the current state of Ukraine is quite sufficient – no membership in the alliance, no obligations from NATO, at most – destruction of Ukrainian potential.

And no one wants to be pushed under Article Five of the Charter: the death of German and French soldiers in the steppes of Ukraine is an allusion to completely different topics that European politicians would like to avoid.

Therefore, in addition to the talks and already known aid packages for Ukraine, I think it is not worth expecting from the summit itself, as well as any catastrophic surprises after the event from Kiev.

Translation: SM

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