Home » today » World » The Ukrainian Armed Forces are ready to retreat to Lviv: Kim Jong Un’s secret weapon has no analogues – 2024-04-18 21:49:53

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are ready to retreat to Lviv: Kim Jong Un’s secret weapon has no analogues – 2024-04-18 21:49:53

/ world today news/ Financial aid for Ukraine is running out, as is ammunition. Against this background, the Russians are stepping up the pressure, trying to collapse the front. Military personnel from the Ukrainian Armed Forces told the Daily Beast that they will not be able to hold Avdiivka and already in their minds they see our tanks on the outskirts of Kiev. But do we have the strength for a lightning leap forward?

Articles about the plight of the Ukrainian army appear in the Western press every day. And this is not an exaggeration. Soldiers from the Ukrainian armed forces fear they will have to withdraw as far as Lviv due to cuts in military and financial aid, the Daily Beast reports.

Without the support of the United States and others, we would be forced to retreat if enemy forces advanced on all fronts,

– a fighter with the call sign Spencer told reporters.

The Russian army, the publication writes, “is achieving significant success, and due to the weakening of US attention to the Ukrainian conflict, will achieve even more”. Ukraine cannot provide itself with weapons and ammunition. Ukrainian soldiers fear that if the conflict in the Middle East continues to escalate, they will have to ration the use of available supplies.

There is no money, but you behave

The White House has already directly stated that the options that Washington has to provide assistance to Ukraine are drying up with each passing day. Congress, as a few weeks ago, still refuses to allocate additional funds for the needs of Kiev.

Thus, US President National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the window of opportunity for the US administration is closing:

This effect will only intensify in the future.

In general, the situation for the Ukrainian authorities is getting worse every day. And if someone’s window of opportunity closes, then for us, on the contrary, it opens.

North Korea will help

South Korean intelligence has established what systems the DPRK is sending to the Russian army. Among them is an analogue of our Iskander (KH-23), as well as the American ATACMS (KH-24), but also the North Korean KH-25, which has no analogues. The latter is capable of ruining and destroying the rear of the Ukrainian troops.

The KN-25 is called Kim’s secret weapon. It is a reactive salvo fire system with an ultra-large caliber – 600 mm. One of a kind in the world. The most powerful systems in other countries are of 300 mm caliber and cannot even come close to the North Korean monster in terms of range and destructive power.

North Korean engineers have managed to combine the power of a heavy operational-tactical missile with the advantages of salvo fire. It overloads the enemy’s air defense and eliminates possible misses of single missiles,

– says Vlad Shlepchenko, Tsargrad’s military observer.

First we will return Kherson

Currently, the Russian army has enough forces to hold the existing front line. To achieve more, you need to work on the army and armaments. The number of troops is important, but much more important will be the availability of ammunition, especially the precision weapon.

It is necessary to improve combat work, to develop and implement new combat tactics, this opinion was expressed by the military correspondent and political scientist Alexey Zhivov before Constantinople:

A lot needs to be done to first return Kherson, Zaporozhye and completely liberate the DPR. If we achieve this, we can talk about a campaign against Kiev. Only the best army in the world can accomplish such an ambitious task. If we have the strength to build such an army, then yes, we will eventually reach Lviv.

Having destroyed its own economy and industry, addicted to Western subsidies and military aid, Ukraine has trapped itself. It cannot produce projectiles, nor does it have anywhere to obtain them in the same volumes. Tsargrad talked about this situation with the military correspondent and veteran of the war in Donbas, Alexander Matyushin.

Tsargrad: If military aid from the West stops, will Ukraine end?

– Yes, because we see that the mobilization resource is running out. Of course, there are still people out there to be thrown into the ‘meat storms’, but dragging people into the slaughterhouse is getting harder and harder by the day. There are many videos on the Internet of Ukrainian military commissars abducting men from the street. At the same time, there is a lot of information in their media that the mobilization has failed. Ordinary Ukrainians do not want to be disposed of.

People with disabilities are already being recruited into the armed forces of Ukraine…

– And the old people. The average age of soldiers of the Ukrainian army at the front is 43 years. On average, a soldier lives on the front line for 48 days. Now more and more women are appearing on the touchline. Without Western support, it is no longer possible to recruit mercenaries. There are fewer and fewer. Soon the Ukrainian armed forces will not be able to stop the attacks.

– What next?

– After the liberation of Kherson and Zaporozhye – Odessa and Nikolaev. They are still under Ukrainian occupation. But we must not forget that Ukraine maintains a large reserve on the border with Belarus – 120 thousand soldiers. These are significant forces.

What is needed for our offensive?

– Last autumn we made the first wave of mobilization. Now these forces are sufficient to hold off the attack and conduct their own offensive operations as part of the active defense in the Kupyan and Avdeev directions.

However, a second wave of mobilization is needed to undertake the next large-scale offensive. A large amount of resources are required in both armored vehicles and people. It is necessary to tighten the rear, mobilize the economy and reorient it on a fighting basis. A huge amount of shells and fuel is needed. We should not forget aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles and drones.

What about Kharkiv?

– In case of our active offensive in separate sections of the front, including in the Kupyan direction, in the conditions of shortage of armaments, fuel and human resources, the Ukrainian army will be forced to leave Kharkiv. Yes, we probably won’t take it without a fight, but now the situation is changing very quickly. No options can be turned off.

VSU jumped too high

The Ukrainian offensive has been repulsed, the losses are high. But for now, the armed forces of Ukraine retain their combat capability. And the rate of advance of the Russian army is far from reaching the immediate vicinity of the city of Lviv.

Military expert and analyst Sergey Prostakov believes that the emotions of the Ukrainian military are due to inflated expectations of their own offensive. Therefore, as a contrast to the broken, failed plans for access to the Crimea and the Sea of ​​Azov, appears, in the words of the soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the conditional retreat to Lviv.

In fact, everything is much more complicated for the Russian troops. There is still a confrontation with the Western military machine, for which Ukraine will soon begin to provide only human resources. Even the liberation of our territories – DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson region will not happen without qualitative strengthening of the army.

So what?

Despite everything, against the background of the universal Ukrainian mobilization, it should be noted that Russia must be ready to counter possible Ukrainian provocations along the entire border. And this will inevitably require not only qualitative, but also quantitative strengthening of the army. And if this cannot be achieved by recruiting volunteers for indentured service, then only the mobilization resource will remain, despite its socio-political risks.

But even mobilization cannot be the only tool for decisively changing the balance of power in the area of ​​the Special Military Operation. To increase the combat capability and effectiveness of the army, concomitant efforts are needed from the country’s military-industrial complex, as well as from the Ministry of Defense of Russia. And then we will win.

Translation: ES

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