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The UDC swears in the storm after a bizarre assembly

The UDC Jura wanted wind in its sails, it finds itself caught in the storm! The agrarian party held an assembly that brought together nearly 70 members on Friday night in La Caquerelle, to define the strategy to be adopted for the next cantonal elections and to nominate its candidates for the Jura government. But nothing went as planned.

Two orientations were on the table: a ticket with three names – supported by the steering committee and the campaign committee – or a ticket with a single candidate, supported by the Ajoie section to carry Romain Schaer, strong of his experience and its result obtained during the last by-election. The first variant aimed to present a candidate in each district to offer voters a choice and draw up the SVP lists for election to Parliament. The second variant wanted a single candidacy with the clear objective of winning a seat in the Government. “Leaving with three is dispersing the voices. We would not play to win, when we have a real chance of gaining access to the executive ”, argued Ajoulot deputy Yves Gigon. But in the end, the assembly voted in favor of the first option, three candidates.

“I don’t want to waste my time”

It was then that a dramatic change occurred: in disagreement with this strategy, Romain Schaer announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy! Nobody saw it coming. “I don’t want to waste my time boosting Parliament’s SVP lists. I’m just not interested in being there ”, declared the deputy mayor of La Baroche, focused on access to government. The Ajoie section then requested a suspension of the session, but no new name came out of the hat. The agrarians finally nominated the two remaining candidates by acclamation: the Franc-Montagnarde Brigitte Favre and the Vadais Didier Spies. These deputies thus compose a list with two names for the election to the Government … but a list perhaps provisional. The members have indeed decided to allow the Ajoie section to extend its reflection to find a possible “successor” to Romain Schaer. The final composition of the UDC ticket will therefore be known at a next meeting, on August 7! At this stage, it is not certain that an Ajoulot will embark on the race. “We would not be credible”, said chapter president John Moser. As for Romain Schaer, when asked if he had not supplied the SVP with a gun to shoot himself, he replied: “I did not provide the weapon, but the ammunition”.

“Next time, we charge entry for the show”

In summary, the SVP Jura had to decide on a list with one or three names. At the end of an incredible evening, she ends up with a ticket for two candidates! If no Ajoulot presents itself, the whole strategy of the party must again be submitted to the vote of the members on August 7. “Next time, we charge entry for the show”, declared an agrarian to us at the end of the meeting. To be continued… / rch

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