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the two Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger blamed by their party

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Two elected Republicans sanctioned by their own party because they dared to sit on the parliamentary inquiry into the attack on the Capitol on January 6. Behind this unprecedented political sanction obviously hovers the shadow of Donald Trump, who remains the most influential personality among American conservatives.

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

Gathered in Utah, members of the Republican Party voted unanimously for a motion of no confidence against Liz Cheney, elected from Wyoming, and Adam Kinzinger, representative from Illinois.

They are the only two Republicans to sit on the the parliamentary commission of inquiry on January 6 and that is enough to make Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger plague victims within their own political formation.

« destructive behavior »

Meeting in Congress in Utah, the Republican Party voted against its two elected a motion of censure. The elected official of Wyoming and Illinois are accused no more no less of ” destructive behavior against the House of Representatives against the party and the Republic ».

Also accused of persecute ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political expression “. This is how the Republican Party defines the January 6 demonstration. It was not a legitimate political expression, Liz Cheney simply reacted by posting a video of Trump supporters invading the capitol.

Mainmise de Trump

The vote on this motion is further proof of Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican apparatus. Trump who has sworn revenge against the daughter of former Vice President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney. For the next midterm elections, Trump is supporting a rival candidate against her.

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