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The two parties inside the M5S. Patuanelli leads the groups close to Conte- Corriere.it

Beppe Grillo? He brought home the ear of Conte, like Tyson with Holyfield: there are those who put it on irony and rely on boxing to tell the tear at the top of the Five Stars. But what prevails in the Movement is anxiety and tension for future developments. Already in the morning the silence of Grillo – who is silent even with those who have known him for a lifetime – suggests a tear. A few hours earlier the supervisor warned Vito Crimi from publishing the statute of Giuseppe Conte. The regent – expired for a couple of months – forced to retreat and realign. Roberto Fico and Luigi Di Maio they try to mediate until the very end. Then the curtain falls on the mole M5S dell’ex premier.

Towards a controlled split

Grillo does not warn anyone – not even Crimi – of his exit. Its turn leaves the parliamentarians dumbfounded. The chats become a barrage of questions and considerations. Guys, over for me, closed, we are crazy, he writes as the agency reveals Adnkronosthe deputy Roberto Rossini. There are those like Valentina Corneli who ask for the immediate calling of an assembly. In the end, Stefano Buffagni’s line prevails: the comparison slipped by 24 hours also to allow hot reactions to settle. Some elected people come out like Vittoria Baldino, Roberta Lombardi and Alessandra Maiorino. But to overcome prudence, because the delicate moment and the internal repercussions could be dramatic. We are moving towards a controlled split, says an exponent of the Movement, suggesting that a part of the Contiani could leave and give life to autonomous groups able to keep faith with the institutional commitments of the Five Stars. Internally, Grillo’s reversal of perspectives also sounds like l Give an opportunity for a. Let’s see what they have the courage to do, attacks a pro-Grillo parliamentarian referring to the troop of senators from Paola Taverna to Stefano Patuanelli, from Mario Turco to Ettore Licheri close to Conte.

Rousseau doesn’t like it

Times are promising to be tight. The vote proposed by Grillo could take place within a few days, already close to the weekend. The will is that of to forge ahead and open a new political phase as soon as possible. It is not yet clear who among the big names will accept the guarantor’s request and will be a candidate to lead the Movement. What is certain – it is pointed out – is that it makes no sense to follow Conte from the second line in a new project rather than trying to govern what remains of the Five Stars. But among the discontent winds strong the return to Rousseau: the platform opposed by many parliamentarians, but the vote according to Grillo (and after a confrontation with his lawyers) is an obligatory step. A step not appreciated by everyone.

Conte-Grillo, the insights

What relapses

Patuanelli net: I do not allow Rousseau to process my data. There are those who hope that the frond of non-voting will grow and push to organize a protest. Environments close to Crimi point out: Avoid Rousseau? It is necessary to see if it is possible, considering that the processing of the data of the Movement had been stolen, also on the basis of the pronouncement of the guarantor for privacy. But precisely the decision of the guarantor provides that the processing of data is allowed if at the request of the Movement. There are those who stress to calm the waters: It is just a vote, not a return. And there are also those who celebrate like Francesco Berti: It was the only way. Alessandro Di Battista from Bolivia he seems to be watching the M5S events with detachment and posting a video of miners. And there is someone who interprets it as a message from the former deputy to former colleagues, an ironic invitation to nominate the miners to lead the Five Stars. The political world, starting with the dem, questions itself about repercussions that the turmoil in the Movement could have on the current structure, from alliances to the executive. He also intervenes on the subject Matteo Salvini, which a On air on La 7 attacks: Surely Grillo and Conte can do damage, but if they step aside, we can go back to talking about development, major works, trains, airports and ports …. After the post, some parliamentarians try to contact Grillo, but the guarantor looks beyond: Conte is already the past for him.

June 29, 2021 (change June 29, 2021 | 23:33)


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