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The two drunk Cartagena police officers face 5 crimes

The two drunken policemen who carried out a traffic accident in Cartagena on Saturday night while traveling in a mobile CAI of the institution remain imprisoned under the orders of the military criminal justice system, the commander of the Metropolitan Police, General Henry Sanabria, reported yesterday.

They face charges for the typification of five possible crimes: abandonment of the post, illegal use of uniforms and insignia, illegal carrying of State firearms, damage to State property and damage to the property of others.

In addition, the District Transit (DATT) imposed a fine equivalent to 1,440 legal daily minimum wages on the police car driver.

Another consequence of the episode for the two uniformed officers is that they must pay for the damage caused to the vehicle that collided with the police car.

The images of the two patrolmen almost dragging themselves from binge became viral this Sunday throughout the country through social networks.

The police officers were recorded by passers-by after colliding, and when a CAI Móvil front tire exploded.

“Sultry”, “outrageous” are some of the names of people to refer to the incident that occurred in the middle of the quarantine of the coronavirus.

The video shows one of the policemen who falls to the ground and is helped by his partner. When he gets up he walks wobbly and with traces of blood on his face. “The same partner hit him with the patrol. A car crashed and they fled, ”shouts one of the men who witnessed the scene.

The events occurred on Saturday night at the Villa Rosita neighborhood, south of Cartagena.

In a press release, the institution reported that the two uniformed officers were caught in flagrante delicto and immediately held in a cell, in custody of the Cartagena Metropolitan Police. “After learning the facts, the National Police acted in coordination with the Military and Police Criminal Justice, the Office of Internal Disciplinary Control and the district traffic authorities,” the document reveals.

General Henry Sanabria rejected the behavior of the two uniformed men, whose conduct “departs completely from the guidelines of the comprehensive police transparency policy,” he said.

To pay damages

In the medical examinations to which the protagonists of these events were subjected, the health personnel verified the presence of clinical signs of drunkenness. The Cartagena Metropolitan Police command also reported that, in coordination with the District Transit Authority (DATT), the procedure of rigor was complied with, so the driver was fined equivalent to 1,440 legal daily minimum wages. , for refusing to take the drunkenness test. In addition, pursuant to Law 1696 of 2013, his driving license was canceled.

For this Monday it is expected that they will be heard on the investigative stage.

Then the judge of Military and Police Criminal Instruction will proceed to define the legal situation of the two uniformed officers.

This incident involving the Police joins another one that occurred in late May, when eleven high school police officers staged a fight in the institution’s recreational center in the Crespo neighborhood, for which reason it was necessary to fire shots to disperse them.

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