Home » today » News » The Twingo Car Squatter Epidemic in Toulon: The Strange Case of Forced Openings in Underground Car Parks

The Twingo Car Squatter Epidemic in Toulon: The Strange Case of Forced Openings in Underground Car Parks

A curious epidemic has struck Toulon car parks… In recent weeks, in certain underground car parks in Toulon, several forced openings have been observed on small French city cars. Still Renault Twingos. A phenomenon as recent as it is surprising, which is enough to annoy owners who have experienced these inconveniences.

Virginie is one of them.

A curious epidemic has struck Toulon car parks… In recent weeks, in certain underground car parks in Toulon, several forced openings have been observed on small French city cars. Still Renault Twingos. A phenomenon as recent as it is surprising, which is enough to annoy owners who have experienced these inconveniences.

Virginie is one of them.

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A Q-Park subscriber for several years, this Toulouse resident parks her latest generation Twingo in the Facultés car park. And in November, on three occasions, she noticed that the car, although locked, had been visited, probably during the night. “The first time, I found a jacket, a blanket and a toothbrush. The seat was reclined and the steering wheel was up. It was as if someone had slept there”she says.

Later, she will find an open window. And during his last inspection (November 21), a hamburger, bandages, physiological serum, or even… nails! Downright. “Each time, I moved the car. I reported it three times to the parking lot before something happened”Virginia growls.

Radio and sleep

“There is also a little apprehensionshe adds. If I met the squatter, I don’t know what his reaction would be. Then, parking is not cheap. Normally, you also pay for the car to be safe.” Not to mention that the squatter used the radio, choosing his favorite frequencies: Skyrock, Beur FM, or even Mistral FM. “I was afraid of finding my battery dead even though I had just had it changed!”

Dirt, bad odors and a feeling of intrusion convinced her to file a complaint this Tuesday.

Recently, in one of Toulon’s parking spaces, someone even put up a poster warning users of the presence of a car squatter. “I found it several times in mine”, it is indicated, below a photo of the alleged perpetrator. For its part, Q-Park assures that an individual has, on multiple occasions, been ordered to leave the faculties car park before he commits similar misdeeds.

Also in the Peiresc car park, a Twingo was occupied several times. It was a little earlier in the season, as Sonia, a subscriber, explains: “One day, when I opened my car, I saw that the chair was lying on its side. All the belongings in the trunk had been searched. A small phone charger and a pump to inflate the tires in an emergency had also been stolen.”

A man recently arrested

Twingos are renowned for being easy to open without a key. A few days later, do it again. This time, the squatter leaves a jar of chewing gum as a sign of passage. “I have to file a complaintpromet Sonia. There, I stopped to park my car in the parking lot. But I’ll have to take it back down… Maybe I’ll set an alarm. I think there are many of us in this situation, and it is not possible for cars to become a place of passage. It’s intrusive!”

On the night of November 21 to 22, the culprit could nevertheless have been arrested by the police. A man matching various reports for car squatting or caravan theft was taken into police custody. He had various objects on him whose provenance he could not explain. He is expected to appear this Friday before the Toulon criminal court as part of an immediate appearance. Maybe Sonia will be able to find her pump and charger…

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