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the turn of the screw of the City

She was advancing masked, the health crisis is now falling… the mask. The report (and no longer debate) of budgetary orientation, introduced Monday evening in city council by the financial assistant Jean-Charles Louis, is tinted, for the first time under the Cuny era, with a glowing note.

The year of disgrace 2020 already showed a very clear slowdown in the City’s self-financing capacity, ending with a modest positive result of € 35,000. A trend that is worsening in 2021: this precious self-financing capacity goes “into negative territory” to the tune of € 300,000. Fall in revenues, increase in expenses (cleaning of schools, Covid bonuses, purchase of masks and gel, etc.): the reasons for this plunge into murky waters are known. To this must be added the contraction of a Covid loan in the amount of € 1.4 million that the majority undertakes to pay off before the end of the mandate. “We must find a positive net savings, fixed like cap Jean-Charles Louis. And for that, it is necessary to decrease the expenditure. “

€ 28 million in payroll

To achieve this, the municipal majority intends to act on personnel costs which, with € 28 million, represent 58% of the operating chapter: “All departures will not be systematically replaced, warns the elected representative. We are working with the services on a reorganization. The measure aims to reduce, on average, this payroll by 1% per year.

This accounting objective, not really to the liking of the opposition (read elsewhere), is assumed by Emmanuel Bertin. The municipal assistant in charge of education and human resources details the mechanism: “Yes, we want to support skills development and that’s not a bad word. Yes, we want to develop versatility and that’s not a bad word either. Rest assured, we don’t want to make an engineer out of a mason. “On the other hand, it would be possible for an Atsem to become head of the school service:” This is the case because it has the skills, continues the elected. With 20 scheduled retirements per year, we will ask ourselves the question of the advisability of replacing them all. And this does not only concern category C personnel as I have heard. The proof, we will not replace a member of the board of directors in the coming months. “

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Another avenue explored to compensate for this reduction in staff: bringing the City into compliance with a law dating from… 2001. The latter has a floor and a ceiling of 1607 hours of working time for agents per year. of the public service. While in Thionville, an agent works on average between 1,520 and 1,530 hours per year, “we must reach an acceptable solution because in fact, we are bound by this obligation on 1is January 2022. ”

€ 1.3 million in equity: “Are we maintaining the subsidy?” “

Three million euros of direct subsidy and three other million of ancillary costs: where the annual operating cost of the Thionville associative world. “For a city in our stratum, the ratio must be the highest in France,” observes Pierre Cuny. The project to review the amount of subsidization of “certain associations, on a case-by-case basis, in order to reassess the needs as close as possible to reality”, was already initiated by the mayor even before the pandemic.

The health crisis will ultimately have played only a simple role of accelerator. He explains this by taking a striking example: “Is it really responsible to maintain the subsidy of an association which has € 1.2 million in equity as it is?” The question also arises for other associations which receive our subsidies before giving them back to members so that they pay less for their license. We do not create an association to have public money. “It is these actors of the associative world – moreover not really in phase with a legislation which prohibits, in their case the holding of more than six months of cash – which are targeted by a potential reduction in municipal subsidies:” For these associations , a drop in the order of 5 to 10% will not change the course of their existence ”. On the other hand, for the city’s accounts, the benefit looks real …

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