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The tunnel in the “Rigaer 94” is closed

Left-wing extremism

The tunnel in the “Rigaer 94” is closed

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Updated: 11/13/2021, 8:00 AM

| Reading time: 2 minutes

During a search on October 6th of this year, police officers discovered the entrance to a previously unfinished tunnel with access ladder in the scene object on the left at Rigaer Strasse 94 in Friedrichshain.  The tunnel was apparently supposed to lead to the neighboring house at Rigaer Straße 93 and apparently offer the residents an escape route.

During a search on October 6th of this year, police officers discovered the entrance to a previously unfinished tunnel with access ladder in the scene object on the left at Rigaer Strasse 94 in Friedrichshain. The tunnel was apparently supposed to lead to the neighboring house at Rigaer Straße 93 and apparently offer the residents an escape route.

Photo: Police Berlin / Police Berlin, BM, dpa

Residents apparently wanted to create an escape route to the neighboring house at Rigaer Straße 93. Now the hole is filled up again.

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