Home » today » News » The ‘Tsunami’ Corona Made RI Forced Dozens of Foreigners from India to Lift Their Feet

The ‘Tsunami’ Corona Made RI Forced Dozens of Foreigners from India to Lift Their Feet


Tsunami case corona virus in India to make Indonesia take steps to prohibit Foreign Citizen (WNA) from India. There are 32 Indian foreigners who were repatriated from Indonesia.

The ban on foreigners from India from entering Indonesia is in effect since April 24. Director General (Dirjen) of Immigration Jhoni Ginting said this policy was implemented to respond to the latest dynamics of the surge in the number of daily COVID-19 cases in India.

Jhoni Ginting explained that the denial of entry applies to all WNAs who have a history of traveling from Indian territory within 14 days before entering Indonesian territory.

“Apart from refusing entry to foreigners, we have also temporarily suspended the issuance of visas for Indian citizens,” said Jhoni in a written statement on Saturday (24/4/2021).

The TPI Soekarno-Hatta (Soetta) Special Class I Immigration Office repatriated 32 Indian citizens on Sunday (25/4) in the morning.

“The refusal to enter thirty-two Indian citizens is an anticipatory step taken by Soekarno-Hatta Immigration to prevent imported cases of COVID-19,” said Head of Information and Communication Technology, Immigration (TIKIM) Sam Fernando in a press release received by detik.com, Sunday ( 25/4).

Sam further emphasized that Soekarno-Hatta Immigration measures were in line with the policy issued by the Directorate General of Immigration on April 23, 2021. The content of the policy regulates the refusal to enter foreigners who have a history of travel from Indian territory within 14 days before entering. Indonesian territory as well as the suspension of the granting of visitor visas and limited stay visas for Indian citizens.

“The repatriation of 32 Indian citizens using Emirates Airlines flight number EK359 at 00.40 WIB from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Dubai,” said Sam.

While waiting for the repatriation process, 32 Indian nationals were in the special place of Terminal 3 for Soekarno-Hatta international arrival with supervision by related parties involving airlines, aviation security, and the Port Health Quarantine (KKP). The policy to restrict the entry of travelers to Indonesian territory is temporary and will be further evaluated.

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