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The Truth Revealed: Emma Marrone’s Relationship with Stefano De Martino and the Betrayal that Ended it All

The truth has come out! Emma Marrone revealed what happened with Stefano De Martino some time ago. Let’s find out all the details

Born in Florence on 25 May 1984, Emma Brown Since she was a child she has dedicated herself to music. Her father included her in his group Karadreon as he had already seen great potential in her. After classical high school he continued her passion and at the same time he worked to pay for singing lessons.

In the ninth edition of Amici Of Maria De Filippi she managed to get a dealer that allowed her to take home the victory cup. In the meantime she has recorded songs such as Really e Crazy Paradise (inserted in the album Challenge). Wonderful it reached the top positions of various charts. Since then he has been riding the wave of success.

First solo album, I like it this waywas released in 2010 and the following year he sang the Sanremo Festival con i Fashion proposing the song Will arrive. In 2012 you participated in the eleventh edition of Amici in the category Big and it wasn’t just her singing performances that did the talking.

Thanks to the talent show he met Stefano De Martino, with whom he had a love story. Unfortunately, in front of everyone’s eyes, they said goodbye. De Filippi “contributed” in part.Do you want your advertising here?

The truth about Emma and Stefano’s breakup

Stefano regained his smile thanks to the young woman Martina Trivelli. In the summer, gossip was unleashed after Emma was spotted in his Posillipo house. There were actually other people there, so it was a completely friendly meeting. Regardless of the past I’m on good terms now.

It was 2012 when they said goodbye and the presenter was aware of what was happening. But why did they break up? It seems that in the matter there is another person besides Belen Rodriguez.Old shot of Emma and Stefano – Romait.it

The betrayal never revealed with a former student of the talent show

Stefano indulged in a passionate kiss with Belen during a dance performance. For this reason the landlady decided to remove the two at least for that edition they had acted behind the singer’s back. Even though they got married, they broke up and then returned countless times. Now the Argentine showgirl is happy next to Elio Lorenzini.

Furthermore it seems that at the time Emma found out about another betrayalor the one with the current professional Giulia Pauselli. She decided to give the boy a chance who then fell for it again with Belen in front of the viewers and the public present in the studio.

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2023-10-03 10:30:00
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