Tai Chutima clarified the truth, saying she was not the owner of the caption. Ready to reveal what you want to convey. After netizens flocked to share the Apple photo post
Photo from Instagram tye.chutima
It became an issue that was immediately watched for Tai Chutima after he came out to repost and share a picture in his IG story. with spicy caption Until being criticized for what to convey and refer to anyone or not
By such a post, Mai Tai posted not long ago, but it was deleted, but netizens captured it and brought it out to share. In which the post is a picture of an apple that has been bitten on one side. But the reflection in the mirror was the apple on the other side without the bite marks. and has a caption saying “ONLINE ISN’T REAL.” and “I don’t know what to mean. But it seems to try well. Post and delete. I’m confused.
(Read the news. Ouch! Tai Chutima posted a picture of an apple. With a caption that invites eh?)
Recently (July 24, 2023), Mai Tai came out to clarify the truth on the other side. She actually posted the picture. but not the one who wrote more captions The caption on the existing photo was “ONLINE ISN’T REAL.” “The picture with the caption is not posted. And the apple picture that Tai brought to repost conveys the truth that “pictures and messages online are different from real life” Please post the correct news too. Thank you.
The added caption is expected to be netizens commenting on the subject and then deleting it. Causing people to misunderstand that Mai Tai is the one who posted the message
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