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“The Truth About Russian Names: Roots and Origins Revealed”

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Each country from time immemorial boasted of all “their own”. Their territories, their culture. Even with their own names. True, sometimes what we consider rightfully ours is not so at all.

The lion’s share of primordially Russian names, for example, is not at all the legacy of their ancestors. This applies even to such seemingly maximally Russian names as Igor, Olga and Oleg. That was the name of the most famous ancient Russian princes, and it is these names that are considered to be “their own”. But, as they say, “a mistake came out.” All the names mentioned above came into the Russian language from Scandinavia thanks to the Rurikovichs who came from there.

The same “trouble” with the names Maria, Anna, Anastasia, Dmitry. They are Greek, and not originally Russian, as is commonly believed. “Russian” Ivan, by the way, is also, regrettably, a Greek.

2023-05-23 12:30:42
#names #sound #Russians #fact #shocked

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