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The Truth About Reaching 10,000 Steps: Why Experts Say 30 Minutes of Moderate Activity Is More Important for Health

New Article – Focus on Movement, Not Just Steps

New Article – Focus on Movement, Not Just Steps

Did you get your steps in?

In the pursuit of good health and longevity, many of us strive to walk 10,000 steps per day. However, according to fitness expert Heather Milton, there is another number to consider – 30. It’s not just about the number of steps but how long you’re moving at a moderate intensity level.

In an interview with HuffPost, Milton explained that breaking up sedentary time every 30 minutes is the sweet spot for improved health. By incorporating movement into our routines, such as walking, we can meet this target and positively impact our overall well-being.

The Myth of 10,000 Steps

For decades, the notion of walking 10,000 steps a day has been touted as the gold standard for exercise. However, Milton contends that this number is more aesthetic than athletic. Originating from a pedometer designed in Japan in the 1960s, the “10,000 steps” guideline has no solid scientific basis. Despite the lack of evidence, it has remained a popular benchmark for daily exercise.

The Importance of Moderate Intensity

In reality, the focus should be on achieving 30 minutes of moderate intensity movement each day. Milton explains that “the talk test” can determine if the intensity is appropriate – if maintaining a conversation becomes difficult, then the exercise is at the right level. Moderate intensity activities include brisk walking, dancing, gardening, tennis, or leisurely bike rides.

The Health Risks of Inactivity

Studies have shown that inactivity is linked to various health risks, including obesity, high blood pressure, and increased risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Finding ways to incorporate more movement into our daily lives, such as using standing desks, walking instead of sitting during meetings, and taking regular breaks, can have substantial health benefits and help offset the risks associated with sedentary behavior.

Counting Steps as a Measurement

Counting steps can be a useful tool for measuring physical activity. While scientifically unsound, tracking steps can create awareness and encourage individuals to gradually increase their daily activity. Any physical movement, even if not considered structured exercise, can have a positive impact on overall health.


Rather than solely focusing on achieving a specific number of steps, we should prioritize the quality and intensity of our movement. Incorporating regular bouts of moderate intensity activity into our daily routines can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. By redefining our mindset and understanding that movement, not just steps, is the key to a healthier lifestyle, we can create positive changes for our overall fitness and longevity.

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