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The Truth About Grapes: Do They Make You Fat? Benefits and Risks

Rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants precious for the body, but also many sugars, grapes make you fat only in one case

Do grapes make you fat? The doubt comes from its sugary flavor and in fact on a nutritional level it is one of the sweetest fruits of the cold season.

On the other hand, tasty and super nutritious, it is also one of the most seasonal fruits rich in nutritional properties.

Its grains are a concentrate of minerals and they ensure iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and copper.

Furthermore, they are rich in B vitaminsas the vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6precious for combating psychophysical tiredness and facing the transition from the hot to the cold months with more energy.

But be careful with the quantities.

Do grapes make you fat? Here’s what’s true

Grapes are one of the sweetest fruits. It contains high quantities of rapidly absorbed simple sugars which, when consumed in excess, favor an exaggerated production of insulin, a hormone that stimulates hunger and favors the accumulation of kilos and the onset of type 2 diabetes.

The advice is to consume it in moderation: 100 grams of grapes provide approximately 60 calories.

The ideal is to combine it at the table with the fibers of seasonal vegetables which slow down the absorption of sugars, with proteins (meat, fish, eggs or legumes) and with good fats such as those present in extra virgin olive oil and dried fruit (walnuts, almonds etc.) which increase its satiating effect.

Here are all the benefits that grapes have and why to eat them

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Deflates and purifies

This fruit has good detox action. The high concentration of potassium stimulates diuresis e instead it favors the elimination of stagnationresponsible for water retention and swelling.

This fruit is also rich in fibre.

The advantages? They promote the health and regularity of the intestine and help you stay fit.

Fights high cholesterol

This fruit is a good source of vitamin C, magnesium e quercetin allies of correct functioning of blood circulation.

In fact, they counteract the formation of “bad” LDL cholesterol in favor of “good” HDL cholesterol.

Prevents aging

Grapes are rich in polyphenols with an antioxidant action like resveratrol. Counteracts the harmful action of free radicals and protect against oxidative stressresponsible for aging.

This fruit is also a good source of vitamins allied to the skin. Provides vitamin A, precious for the tone of the tissues.

Then ensure vitamin C which promotes collagen productiona protein that keeps the skin elastic and counteracts inflammatory conditions of the skin, responsible for many disorders, including cellulite.

Photo Credits: Unsplash

2023-09-19 11:42:00
#grapes #fat #depends #eat

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