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the truth about caregiver pay

Among the ills that undermine the hospital, often ridiculous salaries compared to an insane workload. For Paris Match, caregivers reveal their remuneration and ask the Minister of Health to take the measure of the crisis.

Brigitte Bourguignon was the guest of RTL this morning for her first speech as Minister of Health. About the situation of the public hospital, she had these words in reaction to the coverage of Paris Match: “I will avoid the words shipwreck, disaster which are very anxiety-provoking”.

The Saint-Louis caregivers who pose in Paris Match on newsstands today contacted us after this interview on RTL: “It takes my breath away this way of sticking dust under the carpet, there is no reason for us to be the only ones to suffer the anxiety of the mistreatment of patients”, Camille told us, day nurse paid 1916 euros net per month. As for Jehane, 37, contract doctor who has had to renew a CDD every 6 months since November 2019 for 3,484 euros net monthly, she told us: “It is not words that are anxiety-provoking but reality. This reality that keeps us up at night. Of course the public hospital is currently experiencing a shipwreck. And it’s not just the beginning but the end, like in the movie. Today we live in the hospital the last scene of the Titanic. »

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In mid-April, Paris Match went to Saint-Louis hospital, in the X th arrondissement of Paris, (see the issue of April 21) to meet Coquelicot 4, a cutting-edge service in blood cancers, threatened with closure for lack of night nurses. Three weeks later, on May 12, Olivier Véran, then Minister of Health, set fire to the powder room on BFM about the situation in hospitals with this declaration: “It’s not a salary problem but a problem organization, bureaucracy and administrative burden. We returned to Saint-Louis to investigate the precariousness responsible for the vocations crisis. At Coquelicot 4, there are now 2 out of 12 nurses needed for 23 beds. However, of the two, a share at the end of June. This summer, there will only be one left. “We will only be able to shoot with temporary workers and day girls who agree to take nights thanks to the bonus of 450 euros gross allocated since our call for help in April. Concretely, we are on borrowed time, ”explains Dr Marion Malphettes, hospital practitioner of the service.

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The caregivers of Saint-Louis invite Brigitte Bourguignon, the new Minister of Health to come see them to talk to them about the difficulties of night nurses and more generally about the crisis that the public hospital is currently going through.

Photo: Jehane, eight and a half years of seniority at the AP-HP. If she were a holder, the contract doctor would receive an additional 2,000 euros gross.

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