It is the most discussed form of migration, but also the smallest: asylum migration. Over the past ten years, asylum migrants accounted for an average of 11 percent of the arrival. In 2021, there were more than 21 thousand refugees. It should be noted that this number concerns migrants who have been granted status, often after a long wait. The number of asylum seekers reporting in Ter Apel is higher. On average, just over half of asylum requests are granted.
Please note: this does not include Ukrainian refugees, who are allowed to settle freely in the Netherlands.
The number of refugees that the Netherlands takes in is not above average in the EU. In absolute numbers, the Netherlands takes sixth place, relatively speaking, the Netherlands is in thirteenth place with 2 asylum applications per 1,000 inhabitants. ‘And contrary to what is often claimed in politics, there is no rising trend,’ says Dagevos. ‘There have been fluctuations in the asylum influx, for example with the arrival of Syrians, but it has never increased substantially.’
According to the researcher, the fact that asylum migrants have received the most political attention in recent years is the result of their socio-economic position: where labor migrants come to work, asylum migrants are usually unable to do so because they do not have direct access to the labor market. Moreover, there is something else at play: while labor and knowledge migrants often return after a while, asylum migrants often settle for longer.
2023-11-14 04:04:06
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