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The True Meaning of the Hadith about the 7 Layers of the Earth: Proven by Science

Jakarta – Rasulullah SAW said in a hadith which explains that the Earth consists of seven layers. It turns out that this hadith can be proven by science. What is the true meaning of this hadith?

Earth is one of the planets of the part of the solar system that is in part of the Milky Way galaxy. Earth is also a terrestrial planet, namely the planet that has the closest distance to the sun, such as the planets Mercury, Venus and Mars.

When viewed from the layer structure, Earth is a coral planet consisting of rocks. Earth has a layered structure down to the core of the earth (core). The structure of this layer of the earth consists of various forms which are generally in the form of seas and land.

Long before science developed as it is today, the Prophet SAW said in a hadith about the layers of the Earth.

Said bin Zaid bin Amru bin Nufail Ra. said that the Prophet SAW once said: “Whoever takes an inch of land with a wrongdoer, then Allah will wrap it on the Day of Judgment as thick as seven layers of earth.” (HR. Muslim).

In another similar hadith, Abu Salamah bin Abdurrahman Ra. told that he had been involved in a land dispute with someone. Then, he met Aisyah Ra., and told her the problems that occurred.

Aisha Ra. also said, “O Abu Salamah, stay away from the problem of land, because the Prophet SAW once said, ‘Whoever commits injustice (grabbing other people’s land) even if it is only a span, then seven layers of earth will be wrapped around him.” (HR. Bukhari)

The affirmation regarding the seven layers of the Earth is also explained in the Al-Qur’an letter At-Talaq verse 12

It is God who created the seven heavens and the earth like them. The command descends between them so that you may know that God is upon Everything is powerful, and that God encompasses everything with knowledge.

It means: It is God who created the seven heavens and so is the earth. God’s command applies to him, so that you may know that God has power over all things, and indeed God’s knowledge covers all things.

Interpretation of the Hadith about the 7 Layers of the Earth

Citing the book Hadiths-Hadiths Sains by Abdul Syukur al-Azizi, it is explained that the teaching of Islam strictly forbids its people from committing tyranny (persecution) against themselves or others. A person who abandons the commands of God and His Messenger, and violates the prohibitions of religion is a person who commits injustice.

Allah SWT has never been unjust to His servant, but the servant himself is unjust to himself. So, the cruelty they do will cause a life that is not harmonious.

One of the forms of tyranny from one person to another is stealing or robbing land that belongs to another person.

The hadith generally prohibits all forms of tyranny, and more specifically the act of usurping other people’s land. A great sin will be the reward of the wrongdoer.

The Seven Layers of the Earth in the View of Science

Several recent studies by geologists have revealed that the Earth has seven layers like the sky. This fact was revealed by Rasulullah SAW hundreds or even thousands of years before the existence of advanced technology.

Scientists discovered the fact that the earth is ovoid in shape, then they suspect that the core of the globe has a nucleus and its shell is the earth’s crust which is very thin compared to the size of the earth.

Between these two layers, there is a third layer which is commonly referred to as the “mantle”. However, the theory that the earth consists of three layers (the earth’s core, the mantle and the earth’s crust), did not last long due to the emergence of recent findings in geological systems that provide other evidence.

The latest measurements and experiments carried out by the geologists show that the layer containing the nucleus of the earth is under very high pressure, up to 3,000,000 times the pressure against the earth’s surface or three million times more than the earth’s surface.

The pressure causes the unit (matter) to turn into a support, which means that the heart of the earth is very hard. Meanwhile, around it there are waters with very high temperatures. So, the bowels of the earth consists of two levels, not one level as previously believed. This research was conducted by the US Geological Survey.

From some of the facts found, scientists then classify the earth into seven layers. Of the seven layers of the earth, there is a thin skin, then it is surrounded by four layers that are terraced like a net. Then, all of them formed into seven layers of earth. These seven layers, have very large differences between each level, both in terms of composition, thickness, temperature that is there, and units (substances) that are there.

Wallahu a’lam.

Watch the video “What is the condition of the Earth like if it is uninhabited?”


2023-08-31 01:45:12
#Prophets #Hadith #Layers #Earth #Proved #Science

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