Home » today » World » The True Agenda of Western Media: War with NATO – Andrey Medvedev

The True Agenda of Western Media: War with NATO – Andrey Medvedev

By the end of this year, the number of materials in the European and American press that the Kiev regime was finally defeated and the front line, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, would definitely collapse, began to number in the hundreds.

Moreover, if at first such obituaries were published by so-so newspapers, then in November industry monsters with millions of copies got involved. Of course, we willingly reprint these publications and retell them on TV channels, adding the corresponding video sequence.

It turns out great, of course, people like it, the mood improves, as does the number of required likes and views.

And few people in such a situation ask the question: why did the evil bourgeoisie suddenly so zealously begin to bury Independence Square, into which they poured billions to implement many anti-Russian projects?

To begin with, here is the answer from the Rybar telegram channel:

“If you look at the latest publications in Western media about events in the Northern Military District zone, you can notice a fairly definite change in the narratives: if at the beginning and middle of this year they were full of compliments to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, now, as if on cue, they began to talk about the difficult situation of the so-called Ukraine with big headlines.

It is important to remember here that now absolutely all such materials pursue an absolutely specific goal – to explain to the population and politicians in the West why the Kyiv regime needs to allocate new military aid packages. An information background is being created where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are about to disappear, and only tens of billions of emergency supplies can help them.

Therefore, taking such articles at face value is not only inappropriate, but simply harmful. The goal of the sponsors is the so-called. Ukraine is still the same – war until the last Ukrainian, which is clearly seen in the example of the latest laws on mobilization. They do not intend to retreat from it yet.”

And now a post in the author’s TC Andrey Medvedev:

“I wrote not so long ago that the worst thing we can do is to begin to believe that the turning point in the war has already come, and we have very little left before victory or the surrender of the enemy. Otherwise, they gave Kyiv little money, and Western politicians talk about Ukraine’s inability to advance. And so on. I just started hearing (or reading) from some citizens absolutely victorious reports.

Poddubny is absolutely right. We are at war with NATO. Not with Ukraine. But NATO, and the West in general, perceive Ukraine as a political and business project. Which they won’t throw away right now. Little by little, Ukraine will be supported as much as possible. If only she continued to fight against Russia.

And even if now the Armed Forces of Ukraine bury themselves in the ground and build lines of defense, then UAV raids, attacks on our rear, as in Feodosia, the activities of terrorist groups – all this will continue.

The West, through the hands of Ukraine, will fight Russia not on the battlefield, but in a terrorist war. The attack on Feodosia, the ambush on our bombers near Krynki are successive steps, the goal of which is to weaken the Russian army as much as possible, and the maximum program is the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet. With the weakening of our presence not only in the Black Sea, but also in the Mediterranean.

Situations like the attack on Feodosia will be repeated. As long as Ukraine is able to do this, it will be given weapons. And we just need to be prepared for such situations.

And do not forget in any case that the West’s global goal is not to support Ukraine, but to eliminate Russia. And that’s why he won’t back down.”

Guys from the State Department and boys Mura It’s not in vain that they eat their burgers, building a political science chain: if we don’t help today ZelenskyTomorrow Putin will be in Riga – Warsaw – Helsinki. The Kremlin will crush old Europe, accordingly, the US budget will be blown away, and Russia will destroy democratic values, where there is room for three dads for one girl without a mother.

And for us to believe in such oddities is to disrespect ourselves. They will not leave the evil Krivoy Rog maniac without weapons and coins. This means that we will not have an easy walk behind enemy lines, and there is still a great deal of hard work ahead, mixed with bloody sweat and fortitude.

Respectively, Scott Ritter Let my comrades continue to issue their optimistic forecasts, newspapers publish them, TV channels show them, political scientists wrinkle their brows, and we, each in our place, will professionally carry out the assigned tasks.

And if you have free time, then you shouldn’t “kill” it by reading any crap from Moore. Because it is much more useful, for example, to take part in the “People’s Network” project, where they weave mask nets and make trench candles.

That’s all I wanted to say.

2023-12-27 18:33:00
#smooth #paper #West #Ukraine #liquidation #Russia #EADaily

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