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The Trimming Process Still Takes Long Time to Develop Vaccines …


JAKARTA – Director of the Eijkman Institute for Molucular Biology, Amin Soebandrio, assessed that the development of the red and white vaccine takes a long time. Because, he admitted that development Corona vaccine made in Indonesia is quite late.

“The point is that we realize that the development of the red and white vaccine takes quite a long time because we are starting to be a little late,” Amin said in a discussion on the Trijaya Polemic entitled Waiting for Covid-19 Vaccines, Saturday (15/8/2020).

(Read: Public Health Experts Doubt Corona Vaccine Completed Early January)

However, he admitted that his party had tried to cut a number of processes that could be shortened. “But we need a long time,” he said.

He said, if vaccines from abroad were already available and met the requirements that have been set in the country, such as clinical trials, then it would not be a problem. “But we will see that all the processes have been taken. This third phase of clinical trial is an effort to ensure the vaccine is effective and safe,” he said.

(Read: Government Asked to Prepare Legal Umbrellas for Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution)

On that occasion, he said that Indonesia has the ability to produce Corona vaccines. He also said that Indonesia’s current strategy is two lines, developing a domestically-made red and white vaccine and waiting for the Chinese-made synovac vaccine.

“The main route is that we prioritize that we have the ability to make vaccines and it is expected to be able to meet at least 50 percent of the vaccine needs in Indonesia. It is fast, effective and the third is independent, because of this independence there will be calculations,” he said.


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