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The Trieste cableway under the hat of the Pnrr: the Committee’s “no”.

Do not build the Trieste-Porto Vecchio-Carso metropolitan cableway with Pnrr funds: an intervention worth 62 million, 48 of which from the Italian Recovery.

An appeal, launched by the No Ovovia Committee of Trieste, which collected 10 thousand signatures to urgently send to the European Parliament, precisely to reconsider the allocation of funding within the Recovery Fund also in consideration of the doubts about long-term economic sustainability .

A position explained to the public today in the Hall of Flags in the representative office of the European Parliament in Rome. “We reiterate in this authoritative forum that the battle undertaken goes beyond the cable car project: faced with a choice made from above, overturning the regulations concerning urban planning procedures and those relating to the approval of public works, the The commitment is to reaffirm the need for listening, transparency and participation, founding elements of correct public administration, which if not respected distort the principles on which a healthy democracy is based”, said the coordinator of the Committee William Starc.

Gabriella Robba, an architect member of the Committee, outlined the problems of the project, on which an appeal is pending before the Regional Administrative Court with various environmentalist associations: “Damage would be caused to the industrial archeology heritage of the old Austro-Hungarian port, subject to protection by the Superintendence, and to the landscape , in addition to the irreversible environmental damage to a Natura 2000 forest site”.

Closing the speeches, the voice of the families affected by the realization of the work, Elena Declich: “The inhabitants have never been informed in advance to discuss the project and to date none of the administrators who bear the responsibility for this choice have ever lent themselves to a public confrontation with us – he said, as reported in a note – The situation is generating great indignation and mistrust in the public administration, causing malaise, states of anxiety, depression among the residents closest to the route”.

#Trieste #cableway #hat #Pnrr #Committees
– 2024-03-17 15:52:30

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