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the tricks to not give up on delicious dishes

We are now in full festive atmosphere and Christmas Lunch is really close. We can treat ourselves to treats while also keeping ourselves healthy.

We know that for keep calories, blood sugar and cholesterol at bay we must adopt a healthy and light diet. During the partieshowever, it really is hard.


There are really too many delicacies that pass in front of us for a large slice – it is appropriate to say – in December and January. Between toasts with colleagues, dinners and lunches with relatives and various binges, however, we risk making cholesterol and blood sugar values ​​skyrocket. Especially at a certain age.

So how to do? Experts give us some valuable suggestions which will allow us to spend the holidays in “food serenity”, even without too many waivers.

Christmas lunch, holiday dinners and cholesterol: the tricks to not give up delicious dishes

Also nutritionists are better at Christmasand so they reassure us that we won’t have to make too many sacrifices. In conclusion, being at the table in good company and indulging in some whim is good for your health.

For avoid overloading our body, however, we can take advantage of some tricks. Of course it is completely generic guidelines and they don’t apply to everyone. Each person has their own health situation and for targeted advice they will have to consult your treating physician.

In general, however, experts advise us to do not skip meals before or during the holidays, as this could alter our metabolism. We don’t even need to make a drastic cut in calories, because it doesn’t mean we’ll get improvements, quite the contrary. The body needs all substances, even sugar and saltwhich should not be demonized.

Some foods, however, are better to limit them: let’s talk about very aged cheeses and sausages or processed meats and in general i industrial foodsthe. Grandma’s roast, to be clear, is not always the enemy of health, while sweets rich in ingredients and ready meals are less suitable. During the days between one invitation to dinner and another, better to prefer meals rich in seasonal fruit and vegetables, so as to detoxify the body.

Another expert tip is to drink two glasses of water before meals, so as to leave “a little less space” for overeating. And possibly, after a good meal, even take a walk, to dispose of and reactivate blood circulation. Let’s also avoid taking too much alcohol: sparkling wines, liqueurs and bitters. Especially if we are not used to drinking them.

In conclusion, just adopt a few small precautions and eat unrefined foods as much as possible, limit alcohol and increase the number of walks. And the holidays will be lighter and healthier.

(the information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, they do not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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