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The tricks to improve your photos in Xiaomi easy

Today the cameras of the smart phones are much more powerful than professional cameras were several years ago, here are some of the best tricks that you can use in your smartphone Xiaomi to take the best photos easily.

Apart from having a high image quality, the camera apps on Xiaomi have many secret options that you can take advantage of to configure a practically professional photo capture, all this you can generally do on all devices Xiaomi with MIUI operating system.

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The best photography tricks on Xiaomi

One of the coolest things you can do on Xiaomi smartphones that practically no other has, is that you can customize the camera watermark, so that, if you use your photographs for a business, they will have the custom watermark that you decide to put.

Xiaomi camera / Source: Xiaomi

In case you use your Xiaomi camera as a professional photography, that has exactly the same option to activate the Pro mode, with which you can move all the options of white balance, focus, exposure, ISO and many other things that will help you take the photo you want.

The option of HDR You can easily activate it from the main screen of the camera, which refers to having a high dynamic range in the photographs, so that you will have better options to take pictures with bright and dark elements Without problems.

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One of the most interesting functions that have been added in smartphones to take pictures, is the artificial intelligence, but if you want to use the Camera of your Xiaomi in a more professional way, you will have to disable this option in order to select the filters that seem best to you.

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