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the trick to remember everything


Whatsapp, how to text yourself: here’s the trick to having a place to send everything we need to remember.

Today, millions of people communicate with Whatsapp. The instant messaging platform has been the protagonist of a rise that has few other examples in the world of apps. Particularly after the acquisition by Mark Zuckerberg and the entry in effect into his universe, the icon with the green cell phone has discovered a new phase of ascent. Today, if we want to communicate something, except in rare cases, we use Whatsapp. And here, also thanks to the Covid-19, business conversations, study and even friends all move to the platform, which with voice messages and the ability to call has revolutionized telephony forever. But can you use Whatsapp to text yourself? The answer is yes, and it’s also very simple.

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Whatsapp, how to text yourself: the trick to remember everything

Whatsapp (pixabay)

Sometimes we see interesting things and feel the need to save them somehow, without succeeding. Memory certainly doesn’t help us anymore, and this leads us to use technology. But opening a notepad is not always easy and sometimes we forget it. With Whatsapp, however, the risk would not exist, given that we are talking about a chat that we would always have an eye on. But can we send messages to ourselves? Yes. The trick is easy. It will be enough for you create a Whatsapp group with other people, better if relatives or acquaintances to whom we will have to explain everything. After that, eliminate these other people from the group. We will then find ourselves in a chat where we will be alone, and which we can fill with links, photos and reminders to always keep an eye on.

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