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The Trial of the Thionville Attacker: Insights into an Unbalanced Mind

When the defendant comes before the judges of the Thionville judicial court, this Monday, October 30, his first words freeze the courtroom. With a distant gaze, fixed in the eyes of his interlocutors or on the wall, the young man aged 24, assisted by his interpreter, tries to explain the attack of which he was the author, on October 19, in the village -Elange district, in Thionville. Straight away, the person presented as “unbalanced” denies it. “The knife I had in my hand was for cutting a plant in the street. […] The person who claims to be the victim of the attack misinterpreted my gesture. My situation today is 50% good, 50% bad. » The facts are then presented by President Jacques Ciampi. “That day, late in the afternoon, the police were called by a very shocked woman who saw a man armed with a knife shouting ‘Allah akbar, God is great’. The victim says she was threatened by you with a knife; that she took refuge in the study of her companion and her son; that you were behind the glass door, waiting, shouting things while beating your chest; and that you were arrested an hour later, after being confused by your clothing. » Quickly, the behavior of the accused, subject to a territorial obligation because he has been present in France for two years and is not in order with his papers, intrigues. His interventions are once again “esoteric”. In line with the conclusions of the psychiatric expertise, which reveals a “pathology not really taken care of” in this subject consuming around fifteen joints per day, accessible to a criminal sanction.

“Peace and love for there”

“This attack really happened, he was one meter from me,” says the civil party. If I hadn’t pushed that glass door open, I might not be here today. What I want is for him to be accompanied. And don’t let him do it again.” After the defendant said “peace and love for there” as his last words, the court withdrew and sentenced him to 6 months in prison with continued detention. At the end of his sentence, he will be taken to the administrative detention center with a view to his expulsion. He was notified of a ban on his stay in Moselle for a period of 5 years and another relating to the carrying of weapons, also lasting 5 years. Finally, he will have to compensate the civil party.

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