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The trial of the Evje murder starts – the accused wants a severe punishment

– He completely lost control of himself. He was the one who called the emergency services when he understood what he had done. All the way, he has explained himself openly to the police, says the accused 21-year-old’s defender, Jostein Løken to TV 2.

– He feels an enormous sense of guilt, and he wants a severe punishment. My client says he wants to serve as much punishment as possible, says Løken.

The murdered woman and the accused have children together.

The trial starts on Monday in Agder District Court after Cansel Godek (22) was killed in Evje on October 30 last year.

Was sane

Defense counsel says he will draw attention to the defendant’s state of mind when the murder was committed. According to the experts, he was sane at the time of the crime.

According to the indictment, the 21-year-old Godek stabbed him at least 14 times.

The man is also accused of threatening Godek and another person in August last year, about two months before the murder. He is said to have said “I will kill you”, or similar, according to the indictment.

Had asked for a restraining order

One month before she was killed, Godek had reported the accused man and asked for a restraining order, but her request had not yet been processed when the murder took place.

The special unit investigated the Agder police’s handling of the restraining order, but concluded that the police did nothing criminal. However, the police in Agder have taken self-criticism for the long treatment time.

A lawyer will now decide on such a request within 24 hours, Deputy Chief of Police Arne Sundvoll informed The Friend of the Fatherland in September this year.

– I can regret that we did not change our routines before this case, Sundvoll said.

– Want to hear his explanation

The accused is from Afghanistan and has a temporary residence permit in Norway. He has lived in Norway since 2015.

The prosecutor in the case is public prosecutor Jan Tallaksen.

– We will hear his explanation, and then we will go through the evidence in the case. It is about looking at the investigations the police have done and hearing what the forensic pathologist says. We must hold up against the defendant’s explanation, Tallaksen says.

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