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The Trial of Jimmy Lai: Connections with US Politicians and “Dirty Politics” Revealed

The trial of Jimmy Lai’s case is about to begin, and various overseas people’s efforts to “rescue Lebanon” have also begun. One scene is that 67 so-called “human rights organizations” sent a letter to US President Biden, demanding action to urge the Hong Kong government to release Lai. They glorified Fat Man Lai as a “violent defender of press freedom.” Brother Zhenying, who knew him well, posted a series of posts to expose his true colors. One of them was that his cronies had concocted false reports back then to testify against Zheng’s presidential bid. It is indeed ironic that Biden is asking Biden to save him when he sent poisonous arrows. It can also be seen from this incident that behind the beautiful packaging of fat man Li Meili, there is an unscrupulous “dirty politics” player.

67 organizations sent a letter to US President Biden, demanding pressure on the Hong Kong government to release Jimmy Lai. Brother Zhenying’s post pointed out that Li’s thugs had concocted “fake reports” to undermine Biden’s election, but now they are asking Biden to “rescue” him. It is indeed ironic.

The fat man Lai’s confidants used “scumbag tactics” to attack Biden, which stems from a half-light and half-hidden connection between Lai, Trump and American far-right politicians. In the past, he has had frequent contacts with right-wing political circles and the media. In addition to political connections, he is also involved in business interests. For example, he has been paved the way to invest in Myanmar and seek banks. When Trump came to power, the relationship between them became even closer. Since his close confidant Mark Simon is the Hong Kong representative of the Republican Party, he can directly connect them.

Jimmy Lai has always had close ties with Trump, his team and far-right politicians. Not long after the riots broke out in 2019, he went to Washington to meet with Pence, Pompeo and National Security Advisor Bolton (left). Because of this relationship, it is not surprising that he helped Trump lower Biden.

As the political turmoil in Hong Kong continues, this ambiguous relationship has become more superficial. One month after the riots broke out in 2019, Fat Lai went to Washington and met with three important officials of Trump, Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo. and National Security Advisor John Bolton. The latter two are anti-China far-rightists. It is well known that they are talking about what they are talking about. According to analysis by Voice of America, he received such a high-profile reception, and there is reason to believe that the United States took the initiative to ask him to come to Washington to discuss the Hong Kong issue.

Fat guy Lai later admitted that Trump was the “backer” of Hong Kong’s resistance. If Trump can be re-elected, this battle will be fought. Because of this estimate, he is of course very nervous about whether Trump can undermine Biden.

Just as the presidential election is heating up, the US media NBC broke a piece of news, saying that a report about Biden’s son Hunter collecting profits from doing business in China was circulated online, but the author of the report turned out to be a “virtual” synthesized by AI. Writer”, and a lot of the information in the report was also deliberately fabricated.

NBC pursued the investigation and revealed that it was Mark Simon, a subordinate of fat guy Li, who paid someone to secretly create it. One of Li’s private companies allocated US$10,000 for the production fee. After the scandal became widespread, Fatty Lai claimed that he had no knowledge of it. In order to protect the master, Mark Simon also took over the whole thing and resigned to show his responsibility.

However, few people in the outside world believe that the fat man Li is unaware of the matter. How can Mark Simon dare to take matters into his own hands when the matter is so important? Secondly, fat guy Li realizes that he desperately needs Trump’s support, so it makes sense to help him get re-elected. In any case, this scandal shows that in order to achieve his goals, he will play “dirty politics” at all costs.

Fat guy Li prayed for Trump to keep his throne, but unfortunately things went against his wishes and Biden ended up being the right one. He immediately changed his target. In a video conversation with former US Deputy Chief of Staff Keane, he asked the Biden administration to deal tough with China and respond to the situation in Hong Kong. However, more than a month later, he was still awaiting trial and had no chance to connect with the Biden administration.

Biden’s attitude towards the Li case mainly depends on whether Sino-US relations are cold or warm, but people will always hold grudges. The impact of the poisonous arrows of grudges is difficult to eliminate. This is probably one of the evil consequences he has planted.

Tokito Monogatari

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Chen Keqin’s appointment as chairman of the Voters’ Alliance for Construction brought back a memory for me. In the Legislative Council election in September 2004, the DAB formed a new formation after experiencing a disastrous defeat in the district election a year ago. One of the young men was my junior high school junior, and we were close friends in the same school. I was particularly impressed and admired the DAB. Remember to boldly recruit new recruits. He is Chen Keqin. Looking back at his journey from “youth army” to chairman, we can’t help but think of the “spectacle” of Biden still being elected president in his 80s. Minji has been vigorously promoting the rejuvenation of political talents for many years, and it has indeed surpassed many in the United States. Voice.

Chen Keqin (middle) was elected as the chairman of the Democratic Alliance. He joined the “Youth Army” at the age of 23. He was the “people’s organization” that successfully promoted the rejuvenation of political talents in Minji. Compared with the abnormality of American gerontocracy, it is even better.

Running a political party is just like managing a business. After hitting a low point, sometimes it will stimulate the motivation for innovation and find a new path. The DAB was hit by political turmoil in 2003 and suffered a huge defeat in the district election. Only 30% of the candidates were elected, which was described by some media as “spreading the wind”. When some teams go through adversity, more of their “young troops” will be put on the field to fight. The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of China uses this trick.

In 2004, Chen Keqin, Li Huiqiong, Zhang Guojun, Chen Hengbin and others were sent to the battle for immediate selection. Each of them was a young player under the age of 30.

Facing the Legislative Council election in September 2004, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of China put a group of second-tier young fighters into the lineup, including Chan Hak-kin, who was only 28 years old at the time. He had just graduated from the Political Science Department of the Chinese University of Science and Technology and had won once. In district elections, he is still a newcomer to politics. Others include 30-year-old Li Huiqiong and Zhang Guojun, and 28-year-old Chen Hengbin. None of these young generals were elected, but after training, their combat effectiveness and experience have been greatly enhanced.

At that time, the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of China (DAB) had vigorously promoted rejuvenation and aimed to train a new generation of generals. To this end, it launched a “Political Professionals Training Program” co-organized by Tsinghua University, Chinese University and Syracuse University in the United States. The course lasted 9 years. Months, he has to spend 2.4 million Hong Kong dollars, and part of the time he will go to the United States and Beijing to go to court. One of the students selected to participate was none other than Chen Keqin.

Four years later, in the 4th Legislative Council election, a large number of “youth troops” also took part. More than half of the 29 candidates in the district direct elections were under the age of 40, including of course Chan Hacken. As a result, he and Liu Jianghua won in New Territories East, with more than 100,000 votes, which was quite impressive.

Unlike the “big boss culture” that is often criticized by the Democratic Party, the core of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Improvement of the Democratic Alliance has never stopped getting younger. When the election was held in 2013, the average age of the Central Committee dropped to 46 years old. Chan Hak-chin, who was 37 years old at the time, stepped up to the top again. Joined the Standing Committee. Two years later, Chairman Tam Yiu-chung announced his resignation, leaving Li Huiqiong to take over, while Chen Hak-kin was promoted to vice-chairman, completing the leadership change.

Chan Hak-kin started working in the “Youth Army” of the People’s Republic of China at the age of 23. Today, he is only 47 when he sits in the chairman’s seat. It can be said that he is the “man-run” of the DAB’s successful implementation of the rejuvenation of political talents.

Looking back at the United States, Biden still insists on being elected president in his 80s. Republican leader McConnell of the same age suddenly became sluggish in the middle of his speech, but continued to dominate his seat. The Republican and Democratic parties are still in power. The politics are astonishingly abnormal. In contrast, Minji’s political “youth army” is indeed better than the American Duoduosheng, and deserves praise.

2023-09-27 11:23:14
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