Home » today » World » The trial of Biden and Trump threatens the US with war. But Russia will only lose from this – 2024-09-01 07:01:20

The trial of Biden and Trump threatens the US with war. But Russia will only lose from this – 2024-09-01 07:01:20

/ world today news/ For the first time in the history of the USA, the son of a sitting president has been charged. The shame of American justice is brewing: most likely, Hunter Biden will receive a minimum sentence. Donald Trump will go to jail for almost no fault of his own. This could threaten the US with civil war. However, such an outcome is completely disadvantageous for Russia.

This is how criminals often cover their tracks: they admit trifles to hide the main thing. Law enforcement officers know this, but when they themselves are interested in hiding crimes, they play this game too. This is exactly what happened when US President Joe Biden’s son, drug addict, corrupt official and playboy Hunter, concluded “deal with the investigation”, pleading guilty to two counts of tax offenses and one related to gun possession.

This most likely does not threaten Biden Jr. with prison. The money laundering charges were dropped. And his involvement in corrupt schemes in foreign deals, when Hunter monetized the political influence of his father, who, as it turned out, was also in the scam and received a lot of money for it, was not even investigated.

They get away with everything

The US Department of Justice has not brought any charges related to the highly incriminating evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop that was available to law enforcement officials. Neither against the son nor against his father.

Although it was clear from the emails that it was Biden Jr. who arranged for a representative of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, on whose board he was a “wedding general”, a meeting with his father when he was vice president of the United States. Additionally, Biden Sr. secured the dismissal of then-Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who launched an anti-corruption investigation into Burisma Holdings.

But there was corruption in China too. A story in The Washington Post claims that Hunter Biden received almost $5 million from the Chinese energy company CEFC. Although it is clear that this is only the tip of the iceberg. But it is very dangerous for Biden – corruption costs them tens of millions of dollars. It’s not billions and trillions, but it’s money that ordinary people can realistically imagine.

How to cover “yours”

For a long time, pro forma Democrats and law enforcement officials conducted tepid investigations of Hunter that were usually passed over in silence by the mainstream media, pretending nothing was happening. Instead, they played on former President Donald Trump, fabricating charges against him for imaginary crimes that could lead to 400 years in prison. Everything is as in “ordinary banana republic” .

Meanwhile, the blatant impunity and untouchability of Hunter Biden (among others “children from good families” were his accomplices in dirty deeds, for example, the son of the former speaker of the US House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi) began to severely damage his father, the prospects of the Democratic Party and the image of the United States.

As well as the revealed data that the corruption had a family nature and that he was involved with all his might”the big one” Biden Sr. The so-called “daddy” in the email correspondence with Hunter’s accomplices. And they get away with everything!

Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark admitted to MSNBC that not only during Biden Jr.’s deal with the investigation, but also during the investigation into the son of the President of the United States, the subject of the “laptop from hell” never came up (” the described situation has nothing to do with the laptop”). The lawyer confirmed that it was only a matter of tax evasion and charges of illegal possession of weapons. They say that then Hunter was bad and screwed everything up. But who is ready to throw a stone at a cured patient?

Double standards

Of course, Biden Sr. is happy with the way things are going. “I’m very proud of my son,” the president said at a public event in California. He smiled at reporters but declined to answer their questions. To which former President Trump, who was dragged to court for nothing, scathingly remarked on his social network Truth Social: instead of “criminal liability for hundreds of years’ in prison, US Department of Justice “imposes a fine on Hunter Biden for a traffic violation.”

Of course, not only the persecuted Trump, who has been under siege from all sides, despite being the main Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election, but the whole country is discussing the latest news. This is how Tucker Carlson, the most popular TV presenter in the USA, commented on them in the new edition of his author’s show on one of the social networks: the son of the American president “is sold access to his father and legislators to the Chinese, the Ukrainians, and all the countries of the world.”

There’s no arguing here – the FBI knew about it. They had access to Hunter Biden’s laptop for years, but to this day they have not pressed charges. And they won’t pick up.

– emphasized the TV presenter, ironically suggesting that the reason for this is that Hunter has “good genes”.

However, Republicans in Congress do not intend to leave alone both Bidens, who “the deep state” trying to protect against the worst.

This continues to demonstrate the existence of a system of double standards in America, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters. – If you are the main political opponent of the president, the Department of Justice is trying to literally convict you and put you behind bars. But if you’re the president’s son, you get a sweet deal.

By “political opponent,” McCarthy meant Trump, who faces up to 400 years in prison and a large fine for nothing. The spokesman stressed that the attempt to cover up Biden’s dealings “it does not affect our investigation in any way”but on the contrary, it should strengthen it.

There is material evidence – there is no case

The head of the House Oversight Committee, Kentucky Republican James Comer, expressed the same opinion in an interview with Fox News: “These allegations against Hunter Biden and the plea agreement will have no impact on the oversight committee’s investigation. will not stop until President Biden’s involvement in family schemes is fully exposed.”

“Let’s be clear: the Justice Department’s allegations against the president’s son, Biden Hunter,” he continued, “reveal a two-tiered justice system: Hunter Biden gets away with everything…However, more and more evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee shows that Biden was involved in corruption, influence peddling and possibly bribery.”

Their corruption “catch”, according to the congressman’s estimates, is up to 30 million dollars in bribes from foreigners. Comer also leveled a serious accusation against the FBI – that its officials covered for Biden, refusing to investigate under pretentious pretexts the data about their corruption coming from the most reliable, from the point of view of the agency itself, informants, while ignoring the physical evidence.

In particular, the FBI has 17 audio files at its disposal, two of which contain conversations with President Biden and the rest with his son. They directly indicate that they took bribes and discussed the conditions for receiving them. The Biden family owned multiple shell companies and laundered money through six different US banks. This is already known and certainly not all.

What of this?

Meanwhile, according to a CNN report, the Justice Department has agreed to recommend to Judge Hunter Biden that he receive probation on the charges against him after he pleaded guilty to several lesser charges. His father is not mentioned at all.

So the Democrats are provoking America into another civil war, which they hope to win with the help of the security forces and the corrupt judiciary, defeating their opponents – the other half of America, the Republicans. So that no one would stop them from taking her to hell. Everything is going according to plan. For now.

For Russia, what is happening is doubly worse. First, when the United States is divided and has serious internal problems, Washington can engage in dangerous adventures on the foreign circuit to try to somehow unite the country.

Second, when one half of America defeats the other, the US will be able to continue its development, which is now blocked by internal contradictions, and strengthen, which we also do not need. After all, both Democrats and Republicans strongly dislike Russia, albeit in different ways.

Translation: ES

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