This Saturday, in the second program of the 55th season on Mirtha Legrand’s television, the candidate for president of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, was a guest, who referred to the trial she has against Alberto Fernández for denouncing the maneuvers he made with vaccines during quarantine.
Eduardo Feinmann’s political information after the agreement between Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: “It was like that”
The candidate for president of Together for Change announced that her former internal rival will be her chief of staff if she wins the presidency.
“I have a lawsuit that Alberto Fernández made against me for 100 million pesos. Argentina here did the first experiment with Pfizer, of the four countries that did it. At the military hospital, more than 6,000 volunteers tested a vaccine that must be tested,” Patricia Bullrich began by stating.
And he added: “It is difficult to test a vaccine that is not yet approved, they had the contract signed and the vaccine never appeared. I said on a program ‘there’s a cat in here’ and the president sued me for 100 million pesos.”
“Well, luckily now he’s worth a lot less, I’m still going to beat him. He paid 1,700,000 pesos for the Olivos party and he is suing me for 100 million pesos,” he concluded.
Patricia Bullrich crossed Alberto Fernández days before the 2023 Elections.
Carlos Melconian broke the silence after the leak of the controversial audios
Carlos Melconian was invited this Saturday to Mirtha Legrand’s program, where he spoke for the first time about the audios in which he allegedly offered positions in exchange for favors.
“The audios are tricks. It is a total lie, not the content, but the fable. It is an edition of several calls. They say it has to do with harassment, but there is nothing in the audio. The journalist who broadcast them says about the women, not the audios,” he began by saying.
And he assured that its dissemination would be related to a supposed growth of Together for Change in the polls: “A friend called me in the morning and told me ‘they are going to operate on you tonight.’ Nothing had ever happened to me, until they announced that I am going to be the Minister of Economy. All this exists because in the polls we come up.”
Sergio Massa pointed out against dollarization and bimonetarism: “They destroy wages and employment”
The candidate for president of Unión por la Patria assured that “Argentina solves its problems in only one way: by making its currency strong.”
2023-10-15 10:13:44
#Patricia #Bullrich #crossed #Alberto #Fernández #days #Elections #sued #denouncing #maneuvers #vaccines