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the trend to rejuvenate the eye contour

The movement #Bambieyes gain followers. In the networks, more and more users are sharing their results, whatever they have decided to use, to create their Bambi-style eyes. In fact, under the hashtag #bambieyes there are more than 27,000 searches.

Yes, we are talking about the mythical fawn from the Disney factory that became fashionable when Snapchat launched the famous filter that turned its face into that of a deer. Everyone started trying it and the truth is that regardless of whether you look like a deer or not, there was something about the filter that was especially popular: the way it lengthened and enlarged the gaze, creating an instantly rejuvenating effect.

Ok, we are talking about a digital filter, but how does it translate into reality? Well, nothing more and nothing less than the famous trend to which we dedicate this space today, the Bambi Eyes, which is nothing more than put the focus on the fastest aging area of ​​the look, to put an end to the most common problems such as crow’s feet, pigmented dark circles under the eye, lack of elasticity and sagging and even tricks with makeup that lengthen the look and turn you into the very lovable Bambi, version 2021.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Under the trend, aesthetic medicine centers have set to work to create treatments and solutions tailored to demand. And they are all here.

The “vampire” treatment

The wrinkles that form in this area when gesturing are created by the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscles. Traditionally they have been treated with botos but it is not always the best solution.

The aesthetic doctor explains it from Alicante Jorge Mercado: “When they are highly evolved, they do not improve with this and it is preferable to resort to treatments that adapt to the gesticulation and dynamism of the area.”

It is then that treatments such as the one that some such as Gala Gonzalez or the Kardashian family have become fashionable appear on the scene. Known as “Vampire Treatment”.

What does it consist of

The skin is treated with the famous Dermapen, a kind of pen that incorporates between 18 and 32 microneedles and with which the skin surface is “sanded” to eliminate those small wrinkles and expression lines.

It is also used to treat upper lip barcode, forehead wrinkles, and other skin irregularities, such as blemishes.

Yes, it is an invasive treatment, but among its benefits is the way in which supports the synthesis of new collagen and elastinexplains Dr. Mercado.

The session continues with a blood draw from the patient himself to centrifuge it and obtain platelet-rich plasma.

“This is infiltrated subcutaneously around the eye contour with a very fine needle to stimulate fibroblasts, unify the tone, improve skin elasticity and hydration”, the doctor details.

Sessions and prices

It will take a single session to see results. Of course, it needs maintenance every 3 or 4 months. Its price: from € 250.


Redensity II treatment

Although there are hundreds of proposals, currently there is only one product that has been approved by the Spanish Medicines Agency specifically to treat the eye contour. We talk about the famous Redensity II, from the company Teoxane.

Its formula combines cross-linked and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid in a ratio of 70-30. Serves to fill in the area around the eye, reducing the probability of inflammation thanks to the vitamins, minerals and amino acids it contains and which improves the quality of the dermal structures.

The product infiltrates between the bone and the fatty panicles, to avoid the effect Tyndall, that is to say, when the filling is seen superficially and even when due to the reflection of light, the dark circle remains even darker and bluish.

The hyaluronic acid is deposited in the area in a fan shape, thus correcting any depression in the contour of the eye and ensuring a good filling in the right place.

Sessions and prices

They are necessary between one and two, waiting a month between them for the product to consolidate and rehydrate. Its price, from € 350.

To open the eye and raise the eyebrow: hyaluronic acid

Although many doctors use tensioning threads to create the foxy eyes effect, Dr. Mercado considers that it is not the best, since the area around the eye does not allow a lasting anchoring of the threads over time. Instead, prefer hyaluronic acid for a more long-lasting and natural result.

“Over time, the fat packets that cushion the eye contour, especially those above the browbones and temples, support the cheekbones, are reabsorbed. Depending on the area, hyaluronic acid is infiltrated “, Explain.

And from Teoxane they have Ultra Deep, cross-linked hyaluronic acid capable of forming a dense and dense network in the area.

They also have in their catalog RHA2, more elastic and ideal for mobile areas of the contour.

You can be calm: these substances integrate perfectly with the fabric, adapting to the gesticulation and dynamism of the area, they do not swell and are long-lasting.

Sessions and prices

Only one annual session is necessary and the results last between 9 and 12 months. Its price, between € 1,200 and € 1,500.

The results

Without a doubt, the look is more open, the area of ​​the eyebrow higher and a more rejuvenated contour. The Snapchat filter is going to be a joke by your side.

bambi eyes


With makeup

We were amazed when the makeup artist Alondra Blue On Instagram he showed us the star trick for a good foxy effect in the look.

And for that matter, talking about foxy eyes and bambi eyes is the same thing, although the latter carries with it a more open gaze effect.

We remind you how he achieved the result of a feline look.

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

A good eyeliner and, attention, stretch the strands of hair in the area back and leave them tight.

An effective solution for an SOS moment.

The key: the temple

If there is one area that is fundamental in this problem, it is the temple. And 2021 seems to be the year in which a direct focus has been placed on this area from beauty centers.

Maria Vicente, surgeon and aesthetic doctor, explains the problem to us.

“It is common to have empty or bony temples with age, from the age of 40. It also occurs in younger people who practice sports such as cross fit. This gives a cadaverous, aged and even tired look to the face. What happens is that with the passage of time, the fat packages that naturally cushion this area are reabsorbed ”.

The solution: hyaluronic acid infiltrations

Through a single point of entry, medium-grade hyaluronic acid infiltrates the temporal region, that is, where the temples of the glasses rest.

When the problem is more serious, it is necessary the infiltration of collagen stimulators, such as calcium hydroxyapatite, a substance that looks like human bone.

With this, it is possible to raise the brow area and achieve a foxy effect in the look that is much more natural than with tensioning threads, whose result is usually more exaggerated. Erases the tired face and the results last around 9 and 12 months.


€ 700 approximately.

Háztelo en Virtudestetica.com.

If you don’t want needles …

There are also effective solutions without going through the puncture to join the Bambi Eyes trend. And it comes in head form, in a powerful treatment called ‘Total Eye’, the “natural botox” proposed by LPG.

This Ergolift head incorporates a micromotor that is capable of stimulating the activity of cells thanks to the production of, attention: a thousand stimuli in the area in two directions, both vertical and horizontal. Is about controlled pulsations in the form of an intense “fitness” session so that the fibroblasts in the contour area produce new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

The results

A more firmer, fuller look, fewer bags and dark circles (since it drains and defrosts this area) and much smoother expression lines and wrinkles. By the way, from the first session the eyelids are much more raised and the wrinkles between the eyebrows, filled.

Sessions and prices

From € 50 / session. More info in Endermologie.com.

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