Home » today » News » The transparent battlefield weakened the tanks – 2024-04-08 22:20:26

The transparent battlefield weakened the tanks – 2024-04-08 22:20:26

/ world today news/ The Russian military destroyed the Leopard-1A5 tank for the first time through tactical skills and adaptation to the changing conditions of the battlefield. The incident became a new reason to declare that the tank was no longer able to break through the enemy’s defenses. However, experts urge not to write off the tanks, as this type of fighting machine continues to develop.

This week it became known that the Russian military for the first time disabled a German 40-ton Leopard-1A5 tank of the Armed Forces. This happened just a few weeks after these tanks began to be used in combat. Initially, it was reported that the incident happened in the Kharkiv region, but later versions appeared that the tank was destroyed in Andreevka near Luhansk.

According to Ukrainian media reports, several heavy high-velocity fragments from 152 mm projectiles may have struck the side armor plates of the hull or had a critical armor effect on the vehicle’s crew. The tank probably belonged to the 44th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This brigade received about a battalion “Leopard-1A5”.

The Leopard-1A5 tanks transferred to Ukraine in September from Germany and Denmark are considered to be older models than the previously delivered Leopard-2 tanks (the destruction of these combat vehicles was previously reported many times). The “Leopard-1” tanks were created in 1961 and have been continuously modernized since then.

Observers agree that the Russian military has demonstrated tactical prowess and proven its ability to adapt to changing battlefield conditions. The destruction of the tank was achieved through strategic positioning and effective use of optical-electronic reconnaissance. The tank was spotted in action while shelling Russian positions and was immediately neutralized.

As the columnist of the magazine “Forbes” David Ax writes, before the Russian drone the tank went out into the field, where it became an easy target for artillery strikes. It is possible that the first impact was from a buried mine that damaged the left chain and immobilized the machine. Ex wonders why the tank was moving across an open field in broad daylight – and this question may be the key to the story

According to the specialists of the channel in “Telegram” “View of the man in epaulettes”, today the battlefield has changed fundamentally and forever, so that the tank cannot break through the enemy’s defenses and support the actions of the infantry as intended. “For a modern (transparent) battlefield, the tank is too slow (heavy), too visible, too blind and too defenseless.” Anti-tank weapons are incomparably cheaper and simpler. Dynamic protection showed low effectiveness,” the post said.

“At first glance, it seems strange that in this case the Leopard acted alone. But in fact he did so because this is his only chance to remain unnoticed. A tank discovered and within range of drones and artillery is doomed,” analysts say.

“Is there a way out of this problem other than abandoning tanks or fundamentally changing their design?” Perhaps. For example, the use of a fist of hundreds of combat vehicles at once on a relatively narrow part of the front. If possible, while hiding the concentration of these machines from the enemy,” the authors of the channel admit.

Military expert Vladislav Shurigin shares another point of view. “We see the use of one tank, which does not comply with the regulations. Using tanks is an art of war. It is necessary to create a proper window for a breakthrough, for which the defense system must be completely suppressed and depth strikes must be carried out. “When you just send one tank onto the battlefield, it becomes a vulnerable target that everyone hits,” the expert believes.

According to Shurigin, we can talk about a crisis in the use of tanks. “But this does not mean that tanks should not be developed. The tank should have its own equipment for radio-electronic warfare, reconnaissance capabilities, for example, its own quadcopters, which will be based on it. In fact, the current conflict is moving military affairs forward,” the expert explains.

Moreover, the tank’s dynamic protection still proved effective as its crew was saved. “We have tanks that have taken eight or nine hits from different weapons, but they survive because of dynamic protection. Of course, there is no absolute protection, never has been and cannot be. But it fulfills its role in the spectrum in which it is used,” Shurigin pointed out.

“Earlier, Elon Musk said that the tank is dead, but we see that both sides are building tank formations and actively exploiting them. Yes, the tank becomes more vulnerable and requires cover. In modern warfare, defense must be comprehensive. Intelligence must be quickly relayed to tank crews. And if a military unit is not covert and mobile, it quickly becomes a target,” says Vadim Kozyulin, a military expert at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The expert emphasizes: when reconnaissance satellites and drones hang from above, “the tank becomes a target, but it does not cease to be a means of breaking through the defense – and its importance remains.” “Now the tanks have to be managed in a different way, today lightning military breakthroughs do not happen,” adds the specialist.

According to him, mass tank battles in the battle of Kursk are a thing of the past, with the current intelligence capabilities, the creation of a tank strike group on a narrow section of the front is impossible.

“The modern battlefield will become even more transparent. The formation of a tank fist is possible against a weak opponent who does not have the means of reconnaissance, but this is a rare case,” emphasizes the expert. Shurigin, on the contrary, is convinced that concentrating tanks on a narrow section of the front is possible. “There are electronic warfare systems, camouflage and maneuvering systems for that. All this can be done if you set yourself such a task,” the specialist pointed out.

Kozyulin agrees that the role of tanks will increase if a mass means of protection from reconnaissance and strikes appears. “Overall, this conflict provided a lot of new information about the vulnerability of previous generations of weapons. New weapons appeared, tactics changed. There is an understanding that a new defense against drones is needed. We will certainly see these funds soon,” adds the spokesperson.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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