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The Transfiguration of the Lord: A Bulgarian Celebration of Change and New Hope

On August 6, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates one of its brightest holidays – Transfiguration. The beginning of the holiday comes from the first centuries of Christianity and is connected with one of the most important evangelical events – the appearance of Jesus Christ in heavenly glory before three of his closest disciples.

The apostles did not allow that Jesus Christ would endure humiliation and suffering – according to them, this was incompatible with His greatness and glory. He spoke to them often about the sufferings that awaited him, about his death and Resurrection. In order to strengthen the faith of his disciples, Jesus Christ decided to show three of the apostles his true heavenly glory.

Together with Peter, James and John, he climbed Mount Tabor in Galilee, withdrew from them and began to pray. Soon they fell asleep, and when they awoke they saw their Master completely transformed.

His face shone like the sun, and his clothes shone like light. Jesus talked with two of the greatest representatives of the Old Testament – the prophets Moses and Elijah, about his upcoming suffering and death on the cross in Jerusalem. At one moment, a bright cloud overshadowed everyone, and a mighty voice came from it: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to him”.

At these words from above, the apostles fell prostrate on the ground in great fear. When the Lord’s glory hid from them, the Lord approached his disciples and said: “Get up, do not be afraid!” This miraculous event was supposed to protect the apostles from discouragement and doubt at the sight of Christ’s sufferings, to strengthen their faith in His Divine nature.

For all Christian believers to this day, the Transfiguration of the Lord is associated with change and with new hope. Therefore, the holiday is celebrated at the end of the Christian church year. On this day, a special Tropar (prayer chant) is added to the Holy Liturgy of Orthodox churches with the Old Slavonic name “Nachatki ovoschei”, and in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – “Consecration of the Grapes”. Because if in the northern Orthodox lands at the beginning of August there are only apples, then in the southern Bulgarian lands the first bunch of grapes has already been plucked. For the first time it is consecrated in the temple and eaten on the Feast of the Transfiguration.

In the small towns and villages of Bulgaria, the colorful folk customs related to the Transfiguration are still alive. Fairs are held, animals and goods are exchanged. Once upon a time, bachelors and bachelors agreed on engagements and marriages. According to a tradition from the deepest antiquity, marriages took place in September, so that a child would be born in June and the bride could start work during the busy summer period.

According to the Bulgarian national calendar, on August 6, a permanent transformation occurs in nature. As the sun turns its back on summer and faces winter, the storks gather in flocks before flying off to warmer lands.

2023-08-06 04:35:50

#celebrate #Transfiguration #Lord

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