In large parts of Germany, local traffic comes to a standstill in the morning. The Verdi union wants to enforce a nationwide collective agreement for 87,000 employees.
Buses and trains have been standing still in many cities and regions since the morning hours. The public transport companies (ÖPNV) called on their customers to forego unnecessary journeys on Tuesday morning and to switch to other means of transport.
Public transport employees are on strike today in these cities, among others:
- Augsburg
- Berlin
- Bonn
- Braunschweig
- Bremen
- Chemnitz
- Cottbus
- Dortmund
- Duisburg
- Erfurt
- Esslingen
- Flensburg
- Frankfurt
- Freiburg
- Gera
- Goslar
- Göttingen
- Halle
- Hamburg
- Hannover
- Heidelberg
- Heilbronn
- Jena
- Kaiserslautern
- Kassel
- Kiel
- Konstanz
- Cologne
- Leipzig
- Leverkusen
- Ludwigshafen
- Lübeck
- Magdeburg
- Mainz
- Mannheim
- Munich
- Nürnberg
- Osnabrück
- Potsdam
- Regensburg
- Remscheid
- Rostock
- Solingen
- Trier
- Wiesbaden
- Wuppertal
- Zwickau
Frequently, however, only the parent companies of the public transport companies are on strike, while subsidiaries are not. That is why buses and trains still run occasionally or on certain lines.
Verdi wants a collective agreement for 87,000 employees
In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, even schoolchildren who have to walk a long way to school are exempt from teaching if their bus or tram is not running because of the warning strike.
Verdi has called for work stoppages in order to enforce a nationwide collective agreement for around 87,000 employees in local public transport. So far, employers have been hostile to such a uniform regulation. According to its own statements, the Association of Local Employers’ Associations (VKA) reject the commencement of nationwide negotiations with simultaneous collective bargaining rounds at the state level.
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