Luigi Colani, průkopník organického designu, zanechal svůj otisk na mnoha výrobcích, včetně tahačů. Jeho futuristické kamiony, které připomínají vozidla ze Star Treku, jsou dodnes inspirující a ohromující.
Colaniho první futuristický kamion byl představen na frankfurtském autosalonu v roce 1977 a brzy se objevil na silnicích. Tyto ufoidní tahače jsou často ozdobeny třícípou hvězdou Mercedesu a mají charakteristický tříramenný stěrač uchycený uprostřed kyklopského obřího oka čelního okna. Existují však i jiná provedení s kabinou zašpičatěnou do úzkého zobáku.
Colani se neomezoval pouze na tahače, ale také navrhoval aerodynamické návěsy, které spolu s tahačem tvoří harmonický celek. Tyto bionické tvary umožňují nižší spotřebu paliva a Colaniho trucky prý jezdí až o třicet procent úsporněji.
Samotná kabina tahače je futuristická a připomíná kokpit intergalaktického korábu. Má však omezený prostor a velké prosklené plochy, které v létě způsobují skleníkový efekt.
Jeden z Colaniho tahačů, který je oranžový a patří firmě ifm, slouží jako poutavá expozice na veletrzích a dalších akcích. Jeho návěs je rozkládací a lze ho zvětšit až na čtyřicet metrů čtverečních. Vnitřek návěsu je dokonce dvoupatrový a slouží jako prezentace společnosti a konferenční místnost.
Colani se začal věnovat designu již v době, kdy povolání designéra ještě neexistovalo. Studoval sochařství na berlínské univerzitě a poté aerodynamiku na Sorbonně v Paříži. Jeho vášeň pro organické tvary, které připomínají tekutiny, se stala základem jeho designu.
Kromě tahačů se Colani také věnoval designu automobilů. Jeho první koncept automobilu představil na ženevském autosalonu v roce 1954. Colani však tvrdil, že moderní automobilová produkce není ničím převratným a že jeho první přednáška o designu dopravních prostředků v Číně byla o Hansi Ledwinkovi, technickém řediteli automobilky Tatra.
Luigi Colani zemřel v září 2019 ve věku 91 let, ale jeho designové dědictví zůstává nadále inspirací pro další generace designérů. Jeho tahače a automobily jsou stále považovány za ikony organického designu a připomínají nám, že i v dopravních prostředcích může být krása a inovace.Luigi Colani, the pioneer of organic design, has created a truck that wouldn’t be out of place in Star Trek. With his recipe for success being ninety percent nature and ten percent Colani, the outspoken and talented Sorbonne graduate gave shape to everything we see around us. Colani, who passed away in September 2019 at the age of 91, claimed to have created over four thousand designs for various products, from Swiss airline stewardess uniforms to trucks.
Over the course of three decades, Colani created several eye-catching and aerodynamic trucks. These trucks, built on the chassis of traditional trucks from major manufacturers, have both terrified and amazed people and continue to inspire to this day.
The first futuristic truck was unveiled by Luigi Colani at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1977 and hit the roads the following year. These UFO-like trucks continue to turn heads at various events throughout Europe. Many of them feature the iconic three-pointed star of Mercedes-Benz on their front, with some designs even incorporating a three-arm windshield wiper in the middle of a cyclops-like giant eye. However, there are also other designs, such as those with a pointed cabin resembling a narrow beak.
In addition to trucks, the Swiss eccentric also redesigned trailers, creating a harmonious and perfectly aerodynamic combination. The bionic shapes that seamlessly cut through the air contribute to lower fuel consumption. According to measurements, Colani’s trucks are up to thirty percent more fuel-efficient.
The truck cabin itself is futuristic, resembling the cockpit of an intergalactic spaceship. However, it lacks space, and the large glass surfaces turn it into a greenhouse during the summer.
One of Colani’s trucks, painted in the colors of the company ifm, is currently touring Europe as an attention-grabbing exhibition at trade fairs and other open-air events. Its trailer is expandable, with the original 15-square-meter space able to be increased to forty square meters by extending the side modules. The interior is even two-story, with the lower level serving as an exhibition area for the company and the upper level (18 square meters) functioning as a conference room that can accommodate up to 15 guests for seminars, meetings, or training sessions.
Colani’s passion for design began at a time when the profession of a designer barely existed. After World War II, he studied sculpture at the University of Berlin but soon moved to Paris to study aerodynamics at the Sorbonne. It was
What unique features did Colani incorporate into the design of his truck cabins
Spire and impress to this day. Colani’s futuristic trucks, often adorned with the iconic Mercedes three-pointed star, boast a distinctive three-arm wiper mounted in the middle of a cyclops-like giant eye on the front window. However, there are also designs with a cabin that tapers to a narrow beak.
But Colani’s creativity extended beyond just trucks. He also designed aerodynamic trailers that seamlessly complemented the trucks. These bionic shapes allowed for lower fuel consumption, and it is said that Colani’s trucks can achieve up to a thirty percent increase in fuel efficiency.
The truck cabin itself is futuristic, resembling the cockpit of an intergalactic spaceship. However, it has limited space and large glass surfaces that can cause a greenhouse effect during summer.
One of Colani’s trucks, an orange one owned by ifm, serves as a captivating display at trade shows and other events. Its trailer is expandable and can enlarge up to forty square meters. The interior of the trailer is even two-story, serving as a company presentation and conference space.
Colani began his career in design when the occupation of a designer didn’t even exist. He studied sculpture at the University of Berlin and later pursued aerodynamics at the Sorbonne in Paris. His passion for organic shapes resembling liquids became the foundation of his design.
In addition to trucks, Colani also delved into automobile design. He unveiled his first concept car at the Geneva Motor Show in 1954. However, Colani claimed that modern car production was not revolutionary and that his first lecture on the design of transportation in China was about Hans Ledwinko, the technical director of the car manufacturer Tatra.
Although Luigi Colani passed away in September 2019 at the age of 91, his design legacy continues to inspire future generations of designers. His trucks and cars are still considered icons of organic design and remind us that beauty and innovation can be found even in transportation.
Wow, these trucks are absolutely mind-blowing! Luigi Colani’s creativity knows no limits.