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“The Tragic Fate of Jim Patterson: From Child Star to Forgotten Author”

Popularity and connections did not save him from oblivion.

The picture of Grigory Alexandrov “Circus” glorified the young Jim Patterson throughout the USSR. He was held in her arms by Lyubov Orlova herself. What happened to the dark-skinned boy who was lucky enough to star with the legend of Soviet cinema?

Jim’s parents were American Lloyd Patterson and artist Vera Aralova from the USSR. In their family, in addition to Jim, two more sons were born. The Pattersons maintained friendly relations with Lyubov Orlova, who became their patroness. The actress had no children of her own, and she gave all her love to Jim and his brothers.

After the release of the film “The Circus”, the black boy became a celebrity, but fame weighed on him. He did not dream of an acting career, but decided to become a submariner. In addition, Jim wrote poetry from a young age. His works began to be published in well-known publications, he also published the book “Russia. Africa”. Until the 90s, Patterson was a famous and sought-after author.

However, after the collapse of the USSR, no one needed his poems. Jim moved to the US with his mother in search of a better life. But they did not know English and could not integrate into society. In the 2000s, Aralova returned to Russia, where she died.

Today Jim is 89 years old. He lives alone in the USA in a shabby apartment. The former actor looks haggard, he has turned gray and haggard. The star of the movie “Circus” is now painful to look at.

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