Home » News » The traffic police reminded about the rules for transporting children safely in a car | Association

The traffic police reminded about the rules for transporting children safely in a car | Association

The capital’s State Traffic Inspectors are reminding drivers that it is necessary to use child restraints, they said. Minsk traffic police.

According to traffic rules, children in a car must be transported: under the age of 5 years – using child restraints that correspond to the weight and height of the child; at the age of 5 to 12 years – child protection devices according to the weight and height of the child, other methods that allow you to fasten the child safely using seat belts provided by the design of the vehicle.

The traffic police reminded that it is allowed to transport children without a child restraint if the height of the child is more than 150 cm, as well as in a taxi.

In addition, it is forbidden to carry children in the front seat of a passenger car using child restraints with the back facing the vehicle’s windscreen if there is an airbag on the front seat , unless the front airbag mechanism is disabled.

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