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The Toulouse jihadist, Jonathan Geffroy, tried by the special assize court of Paris

Five years after his capture by the Free Syrian Army, the jihadist Jonathan Geffroy, is on trial from Monday January 16, 2023 by the special assize court in Paris. The Toulousain provided a lot of information to French investigators on his career within the Islamic State.

Long hair, like his beard without mustache, Jonathan Geffroy, quietly leaning on a table, answers in Arabic the questions that someone asks him behind a camera. These images of the jihadist date from February 2017 and are the last known to the general public. Nicknamed Abu Ibrahim al French, the 40-year-old Toulousain is tried for terrorist criminal association (AMT) from Monday 16 January 2023. He was captured by the Free Syrian Army (ASL) in February 2017, handed over to the French authorities a few months later with his wife and their two children. He now presents himself as a repentant.

In recent years, Jonathan Geffroy has revealed to investigators that the Islamic State is planning tosend child soldiers to Europe to carry out suicide operations, to sow terror in the French countryside and to target a French nuclear power plant. He also gave the names of dozens of French people who joined the Islamist organization.
However, prison evaluation reports indicate that he adheres always have a rigorous vision of Islam : separation of men and women during parties and meals, preference for hijab or the niqab for women, and anasheeds (religious songs) as only music.
His Moroccan wife Latifa Chadli, also appears free under judicial supervision for GOVERNMENT OFFICE. SA child aged 2 months at the time is a civil party in the trial of his parents through the association SOS Victimes 93. His mother Denise P., 59, was also appearing free, under judicial supervision, for financing terrorism. She sent several thousand euros to her son when he was in the Iraqi-Syrian zone.

Geffroy was converted to Islam in 2007 and quickly radicalized, making a first trip to Egypt in 2008 where he notably met Abdelkader Redthe brother of the assassin Mohamed Red. During his hearings, Jonathan Geffroy admitted to having also briefly hosted the latter during a stay in Egypt in 2010.
Arrived in Syria and supported with his family by the IS in February 2015, Jonathan Geffroy serves in the ranks of the the constitution (brigade) Anwar al-Awlaki, a detachment comprising a few dozen French, including the brothers Jean-Michel and Fabien Clainalso from Toulouse, two heads of IS propaganda, who notably claimed responsibility for the attacks of November 13, 2015 in France.

He will also fight Ramadi in Iraq in the ranks of the the constitution elite Tariq Ibn Zyad, brigade created by Abdelilah Himich (one of the highest-ranking French IS fighters, known as Abou Souleymane’s war al-FrenchFrench) including the attackers of the Bataclan.

Jonathan Geffroy who would like “start a new life“in Morocco where he plans to open”a lingerie shop with his wife incurs 30 years of criminal imprisonment. Latifa Chadli faces the same sentence and Denise P. 10 years in prison. The trial is scheduled until January 23.
(With AFP)

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