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The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: Astronomy and Astrology’s Most Important Event of 2024

The total solar eclipse which is perfected on Monday, April 8, occurs in the sign of Aries and is the one that closes the first eclipse season of 2024. Both astronomy and astrology They study it as one of the most important events of the year. According to the astrological lens, in addition to the surrounding planets, the eclipse adds a greater condensation of energies to the sky.

Eclipses occur every time the Sun, Earth and Moon align and one of the celestial bodies is located in the middle of the other two. If the Earth is placed between both luminaries, a lunar eclipse occurs; If the Moon is between the Sun and our planet, a solar eclipse occurs. In the latter, the natural satellite covers (totally or partially) the solar rays that reach the Earth and it seems as if the Sun is hiding.

This eclipse cannot be seen in Argentina, but before the end of the year we will have revenge. He last eclipse of 2024an annular solar eclipse that will perfect on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 3:46 p.m. (local time).

Now, there is a basic concept to understand the phenomenon of eclipses: the lunar nodes, imaginary mathematical points that mark the place where the Moon’s orbit meets the Earth’s orbit around the Sun (called the ecliptic). There are two intersections: one is the north node and the other is the south node.

For astrology, the nodes are located in opposite signs complementary, for example: Aries – Libra. For this reason, the last lunar eclipse was in Libra and this one is perfected in Aries. The nodes change sign every 18 months in what is known as a nodal axis change.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the temporary occultation of the Sun this Monday occurs in the middle of the Mercury retrograde season and that Chiron, a planetoid that has gained greater relevance for astrology in recent decades, will conjunct the Sun. Chiron symbolizes our wounds or injuries. not curable.

4 curiosities about eclipses

Although today science knows why these phenomena occur, superstitions, myths and their association with calamity persist. Everything related to eclipses never ceases to amaze us.

Below are some interesting facts about these events.

Watching the eclipse: what happens to pregnant women, children and pets

An old Central American superstition recommended that during eclipses pregnant women wear a red sash that covers their belly to “protect the baby” during the event. It was believed that it could harm the health of the fetus, but science has shown that these beliefs are false.

It is true that watching a solar eclipse without adequate protection can affect our retina. In this case, security measures are not limited to pregnant women, children or older adults. NASA specifies that anyone who wants to look at it must wear special glasses —that they are in perfect condition— or look at it through telescopes equipped with special solar filters.

The appropriate glasses for viewing an eclipse comply with the ISO 12312-2 standard.Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Neither sunglasses, nor x-rays, nor wrapping paper or any other type, are safe. Suitable glasses must meet the standard ISO 12312-2.

In recent years there has also been concern about our four-legged friends and many are wondering how to care for their pet during the solar eclipse. Science rules out that eclipses produce any strange behavior in them or affect their health.

As for possible damage to vision, unlike humans, our dog or cat will not look at the eclipse voluntarily. If, in any case, it is suspected that the animal may look up just when the eclipse occurs (in the areas of the planet where it is visible) it will be enough to leave them in a covered place with the curtains drawn.

Eclipses and the “Blood Moon”: a color change

During some lunar eclipses, the full Moon takes on a russet, you know why? NASA specifies that it is due to the Earth’s atmosphere absorbing other colors while bending some sunlight towards the Moon. But before knowing the scientific explanation, humanity had already nicknamed these eclipses as “blood moons” and they were not thought to bring very good news.

The “Blood Moon” occurs during total lunar eclipses. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Every so often, the Blood Moon (and therefore, the total lunar eclipse) coincides with the phenomenon of a “superluna”, which occurs when the Moon is at the closest point in its orbit around the Earth. The last time both things occurred was on May 26, 2021 with a lunar eclipse in Gemini. The next one will be on Saturday, October 8, 2033, with a lunar eclipse in Aries.

The oldest eclipse and bad omens

The periodicity of eclipses varies and there can be from 4 (two solar and two lunar) to 5 eclipses annually. Are always two lots per yearsince NASA explains on its page that each eclipse season is separated by 173.3 days, which is the average time it takes for the Sun to travel from one lunar node to the next. What does not change is the fascination that humanity has felt for them.

The US space agency specifies that the oldest eclipse of which there is a record could have occurred on November 30, 3340 BC. C. How do we know? Thanks to a series of circular petroglyphs found in Loughcrew National Park, in County Meath, Ireland.

In Loughcrew they found megaliths, prehistoric mortuary monuments, with glyphs that would represent an eclipse. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

It is not difficult to imagine the impression that ancient civilizations must have felt when they saw the Sun disappear or the Moon change color, numerous myths They are an example of the terror they caused in our ancestors. For the Mayans, the Moon “bit” the Sun; For the Greeks, it was the sign of the fury of Zeus.

Being born during an eclipse: does it bring bad luck?

Astrology maintains that the dates of eclipses can function as decanting events or energy portals. But what happens when they are present in a person’s birth chart? Figures like the former president Donald Trumpthe Thinker Karl Marx or the Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds They share this trait.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 during a lunar eclipse. Photo: AP/file/ Paul Sancya.

For this mystical discipline is not a determining factor within the person’s astral map. As with other planetary events (such as being born during Mercury retrograde, for example), it will depend on all the aspects and configurations that are drawn at the time of birth and, without a doubt, on the environment and experiences of the native.

Yes, we can see that there will be a strong energy that will pronounce certain aspects or tendencies of the person, whether they develop them or not. If it happens during a solar eclipse there is a powerful conjunction of the Sun and the Luna in the same sign, it is likely that those characteristics will stand out in the person. On the other hand, if it occurs during a lunar eclipse, the Sun – Moon opposition It could indicate a striking duality in the person.

2024-04-05 11:43:54
#Solar #eclipse #April #birth #chart #oldest #recorded #curiosities #events

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