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The topic is defense, we are not going to attack anyone / Article

Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin will both take part in a joint military exercise in Zapad-2021, Lukashenko said on Wednesday, September 1, stressing that the exercise is only intended to strengthen the two countries’ defense capabilities.

Lukashenko on “Zapad-21” military exercisesUģis Lībietis

Mr Lukashenko also explained that if anyone had any doubts about the training, foreign representatives could come and observe it.

“We have a common Air Defense system and a common defense policy. There is an army, so it needs to be trained and trained. That’s why we’re organizing this exercise. The topic is defense, because we’re not going to attack anyone. We don’t need it. And the fact that they’re there moving, they are worried that we will almost return the Baltic states – we will go along the Suwalki corridor to Kaliningrad and return the Baltic states.

No one needs the Baltics! We learn to protect ourselves. We will coordinate the activities of our forces and we will identify our weaknesses and strengthen them, although in general the situation is much less normal, “he said.

Mr Lukashenko also said he had signed an order for Russia to supply Belarus with dozens of planes and helicopters, key elements of a missile defense system and possibly S-400 missile equipment.

“In short, we will strengthen ourselves, and if we find in this exercise that something is missing somewhere, we will buy what we need in the Russian Federation. It is a fair and open policy,” the Belarusian head said.


The Armed Forces of Belarus and Russia will hold a joint event from 10 to 16 September military exercises “Zapad-2021This is the most ambitious exercise that Moscow is conducting with the Belarusian army in recent years.

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