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“The Top Sources of Carcinogenic Substances to Avoid and Reduce Your Risk of Cancer”

Jakarta: Carcinogenic is a substance that can trigger the growth of cancer cells. Without realizing it, these substances can enter the body in various ways, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.

Carcinogens or carcinogens are harmful substances that can work in many ways, namely directly damaging the DNA in cells causing cell abnormalities. Another way is to cause cells to divide more quickly resulting in the development of cancer cells.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has classified it into three groups, namely agents, environmental exposures, and mixtures.

Carcinogens can be closely related to cancer due to DNA changes that are triggered due to heredity. In addition, it can be caused by outside or environmental exposures, such as lifestyle.

Carcinogenic sources that are often found in:

1. Vehicle fumes

Motor vehicle exhaust contains carcinogenic substances called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other particles that can damage body cells and trigger the development of cancer cells.

Not only cancer, if this air pollution continues for a long time it can trigger respiratory problems, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and Cardiovascular disease.

2. Cigarettes and secondhand smoke

Cigarettes and smoke are sources of carcinogens that you need to avoid. It is known, cigarettes contain about 70 types of carcinogenic substances, such as ammonia, arsenic, nicotine, and carbon monoxide.

This is what causes passive smokers to have a higher risk of developing lung disease, compared to active smokers. In addition, cigarette smoke triggers other diseases, diabetes, heart attacks, and COPD.

3. Cosmetic ingredients

Some cosmetic ingredients turned out to contain carcinogenic, although the content is very small. Even so, this cannot be ignored because the risk of getting cancer will still exist if it is used in high levels and for a long time.

As for some ingredients that are carcinogenic, namely parabens, phthalates, and mercury. These substances can trigger skin cancer to breast cancer. It’s better if you avoid these substances.

To prevent this, you can use cosmetics that are sold legally, registered with BPOM, and pass dermatological tests.

4. Certain foods and drinks

Carcinogenic substances can enter the body through drinks and food. Here are some carcinogenic food and drink ingredients, including:

– Additives or additives in drinks or food, such as aspartame and saccharin.

– Contaminated or polluted food ingredients with pesticides, such as heavy metals, pesticides, to industrial waste.

– Food coloring and preservatives, such as nitrate, formalin and borax.

– Foods prepared by frying or baking at high temperatures. This can lead to the formation of carcinogenic substances, such as heterocyclic amines (HCA).

In order to avoid these hazardous substances, you can read product labels more carefully and minimize the use of chemicals in objects that are consumed or used.

Apart from that, you can also wear a mask when outdoors to avoid exposure to carcinogenic substances. You can also plant plants in the house to clean the air in the room.

So, that’s an explanation of carcinogenic substances that you need to know to avoid or reduce the risk of cancer.

Jessica Grace Siregar

2023-04-29 08:25:00
#Beware #Ingredients #Carcinogenic #Substances #Trigger #Cancer

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