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The Top 7 Healthiest Fish to Eat: A Guide to Nutritious Options with Low Mercury Levels

The Healthiest Fish to Eat: A Nutrient-Rich and Mercury Low-Risk Option

The Healthiest Fish to Eat: A Nutrient-Rich and Mercury Low-Risk Option

The healthiest fish to eat are those that contain plenty of nutrients while containing little to no mercury, a potential risk with certain types of fish.

To ensure optimal health benefits from your fish intake, expert dietitians recommend focusing on five types of fish that make up the “SMASH” list: sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, and herring. These fish are not only packed with nutrients but are also low in mercury levels, making them a wise choice for health-conscious individuals consistently seeking the best fish options.

1. Sardines

Sardines are highly regarded as one of the healthiest types of fish to include in your diet due to their rich omega-3 fatty acid content. They are also an exceptional source of calcium. The small size of sardines also limits their exposure to mercury. Economical and versatile, sardines can be purchased packed in water or olive oil, with or without added salt, or almost any grocery store.

2. Mackerel

Mackerel, known for its oily nature, offers a top-notch source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a reputable provider of vitamin D. It is important to note that while fried mackerel tends to be higher in carbohydrates and sugars, canned, grilled, baked, or broiled mackerel contain optimal protein levels. So, consider cooking methods when incorporating mackerel into your diet for the best nutritional results.

3. Anchovies

Anchovies, another fatty fish on the list, boast elevated levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, they serve as an outstanding source of calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. These vital nutrients support various essential bodily functions, making anchovies an appealing choice for a nutritious fish option.

4. Salmon

When it comes to healthy fish, salmon is often a favored choice among nutrition experts. It is jam-packed with omega-3s, high-quality protein, vital minerals like potassium, vitamin D, vitamin E, as well as several beneficial B vitamins. Tinned salmon, an easily accessible option, even provides an additional boost of calcium and phosphorus due to the incorporation of fish bones.

5. Herring

Herring, considered an oily fish, is another excellent source of omega-3s and vitamin D, with the added benefits of selenium and vitamin B12. These essential nutrients contribute to the proper functioning of the central nervous system, as well as the production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Opting for small fish like herring and sardines reduces the potential mercury-associated risks common among larger species.

6. Trout

Trout, also classified as an oily fish, offers a remarkable omega-3 fatty acid profile. It is recognized as a significant source of vitamin D, potassium, and phosphorus. However, it is worth noting that the nutritional composition of trout can vary depending on the cooking method. For optimal health benefits, consider grilling or steaming trout to limit fat and carbohydrate intake while increasing protein intake.

7. Tuna

Although not an oily fish, tuna can still be a healthy choice due to its omega-3 fatty acid content, iodine levels, and the presence of taurine—a key amino acid that supports cellular structure, blood clotting regulation, and blood pressure control. For the best nutritional benefits, opt for canned light tuna, including skipjack, and alternatively choose albacore and yellowfin tuna. It is advisable, however, to avoid bigeye tuna due to the higher mercury levels associated with it, as recommended by the FDA.

Embracing the consumption of the healthiest fish options brings about an array of health benefits due to their rich nutrient profiles and minimal mercury risks. Including the SMASH fish—sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, and herring—ensures you receive essential omega-3s, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and various crucial vitamins. So, enjoy these fish options, and boost your overall well-being with this nutrient-dense dietary choice.

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