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The toning workout that helps you have high and shaped buttocks even at 50 years of age

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not something to be done only at a young age. In fact, at the table it is good practice to try to limit the quantities of fatty and alcoholic foods, to give space to seasonal fruit and vegetables. Even trying not to be too sedentary could improve our general well-being, as well as shape the physique.

The desire of many is certainly to have a cover b-side, free from imperfections and with firm muscles. Even those who are in menopause or over the age of 50, if they do not suffer from particular ailments, could perform some useful exercises to firm up.

Furthermore, if we strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, the back can also find some relief. In addition to trying to maintain correct posture, we try to climb the stairs of the house when we can and always use moisturizers.

The toning workout that helps you have high and shaped buttocks even at 50 years of age

Usually, the most suitable exercises to train the lower back are squats and lunges. In order not to risk getting hurt, however, it is good to first warm up and practice the exercises in the right way.

Even easier is the toning workout that helps to have high and shaped buttocks even at 50 years old. It will be enough to have a simple mat to be able to carry out these 3 targeted exercises.

The first involves lateral impulses on the side, it will be necessary to lie down on one side, resting the elbow on the ground, which supports the head. With the hammer foot and the straight leg we raise the external one at the top, keeping the front gaze, then we change sides.

The second exercise consists of the rear leaps, while we are on all fours on the mat. Without arching the back, we bring the leg back with the hammer foot and the toe pointing outwards. In both cases it will be sufficient to initially perform 3 series of 15.

The third exercise is the “bridge”, lie on the ground with your legs bent and slightly apart and your arms at your sides. By applying strength on the heels and contracting the buttocks, we raise the hips upwards, as if to form a bridge, for a few seconds. We repeat the movement 15 times and do 3 series, if we are not very trained

Standing exercises

To strengthen the lateral part of the lower back, standing, with the back straight, we carry out the lateral push of one leg, keeping the other firm to the floor. In the same way we can also do the rear pushes, alternating the legs.

Also in this case we do 3 sets of 15 per leg. After doing the whole circuit, let’s do a few minutes of stretching, to avoid pain and relax trained muscles.


To help increase muscle mass and have a flat stomach these simple exercises would suffice.

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