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The tone rises between Theo Francken and the Chinese ambassador: “Can I rejoice to be still alive?”

The Chinese ambassador expressed his anger after Francken’s words in a letter to the Flemish nationalist.

Theo Francken’s wish to see an independent international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus obviously did not please the Chinese ambassador to Belgium, Cao Zhongming. The diplomat sent this Wednesday, May 27, a letter to the Flemish nationalist in which he expressed his dissatisfaction, as revealed by our colleagues from

An investigation to “hide the incompetence of countries”

China is stigmatized,” said Zhongming. “Countries that demand this investigation are politicizing a scientific question and blaming China for masking their own incompetence in handling the crisis.”

For the ambassador, moreover, the search for the cause of the coronavirus is a “very complex question”. “It is not because the virus was first reported in China that it was born here. The more time passes, the more it becomes evident that the virus appeared earlier than previously thought in Europe. and the United States, “he added in his letter to Mr. Francken.

If the Americans have postulated on several occasions that the coronavirus had been manufactured in a Chinese laboratory, the rumor has since been denied by many scientists, including “the best Belgian scientists”, claims the Chinese diplomat. “China is not responsible for the spread of the virus,” said Zhongming. Those who claim otherwise spread false information. As soon as China learned of the “strange disease”, it informed the whole world.”

The ambassador also reminded the Flemish nationalist that he was trying to try to maintain a good relationship between the two countries. Finally, he finished the letter addressed to the mayor of Lubbeek wishing him “to stay in good health”.

Theo Francken “happy to be alive”

Questioned by Het Nieuwsblad, Theo Francken did not want to bury the hatchet, on the contrary. “I can rejoice to be still alive?” He quipped the Flemish daily. In China, people who research the origins of the coronavirus are disappearing. (…) I continue to hope however, there will soon be an investigation because all relatives of the victims are entitled to it. In communist countries, the interests of the state may come before the truth, but not in the West. ”

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