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The tombstone of Nesah Binti Nabi Sulaiman was demolished for fear of making an uproar


The tombstone with the name Nisan Nesah binti Nabi Sulayman bin Nabi Daud in Cisoka, Tangerang Regency, shocked the residents. April office was eventually dismantled.

View detik.com From the photo of the tombstone, it appears that the writing is 1,200 years old. The dismantling of the tombstones was carried out by the police and local village officials so as not to create an uproar among the residents.

“Because this is fear, it is feared that it will make the residents restless, a decision was taken by village officials to dismantle the tombstone. Now the headstone is already replaced plain, “said Cisoka Police Chief AKP Nurohman contacted detik.comMonday (28/2).

Demolition of the Tomb with the Approval of the Headstone Maker

Nurohman said the demolition was also carried out with the approval of the headstone maker. According to him, the headstone of this grave has been replaced since a week ago.

“Yesterday, after it was demolished, the person who made it received fear of worrying, fear of becoming restless was finally allowed by those who made it. It was dismantled last Monday and last week. Residents have no longer questioned it,” he explained.

Tombstone Written After Receiving Teacher’s Will

Nurohman revealed that the writing of the tombstone was carried out by someone who was a resident of Serang, Banten. Nurohman explained that the person did that because he got a will from the teacher.

“It’s not the original name, it’s artificial. What makes the Serang people admit that there is a will from their teacher. Instructions from the teacher. But yesterday after it was dismantled it was the one who accepted. Accepting fear of worrying, fear of becoming restless, finally allowed it to be dismantled,” said Nurohman.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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