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The time of Chania Rani Ventspils concert has changed

The planned concert of the Polish pianist Hania Rani on July 30 this year in the concert hall “Latvija”, Ventspils, is postponed and will take place on August 1 at 17.00 and 21.00, the organizers inform the portal “Delfi”.

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Taking into account the still valid restrictions on attending cultural events, as well as the amount of tickets purchased in advance, on August 1, visitors will be offered two concerts by a Polish pianist. Until July 9, ticket holders have the opportunity to choose the most suitable time for the concert. It is necessary to inform about the choice in writing – [email protected], necessarily mentioning the number of the purchased ticket and indicating the contact information. Sale of remaining tickets after July 9 “Ticket Paradise” network will be renewed.

Initially, the concert of Polish pianist and music author Hania Rani on the piano “470i” created especially for the concert hall “Latvija” by Dāvids Kļaviņš was planned already in the spring. With the onset of the crisis in the country and in the world as a whole, the artist’s performance was postponed.

Hanna Rani or Hanna Maria Raniszewska is a pianist, composer and musician who still calls her home Warsaw, but spends most of her time in Berlin. Although the artist’s debut album “Esja” only saw the light of day in the spring of 2019, Hania Rani has already become one of the best-known musicians-authors of her generation. She represents the family of pianists and composers of the last decade, in which Nils Frahm, Max Richter, Hauschka and other contemporary composers shine.

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