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The Time Lag For First and Second Vaccine Injections Can Trigger Big Problems

Suara.com – Experts have stated that the patient will gain effective immunity after the second dose of injection corona virus Covid-19, good the Pfizer vaccine nor vaccine Modern.

However, experts warn again that the time lag between the first and second injection the Covid-19 vaccine can cause major problems for those who are already vaccinated.

Experts advising the UK government, including the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunization (JCVI), say that the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine should focus on the people most at high risk, rather than providing the 2 doses needed directly.

This means that a second dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca and Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines will be given within 12 weeks of the first vaccine injection.

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British Health Secretary Matt Hancock explained that the data from the Oxford vaccine show that there is very effective protection after the first dose of injection.

Vaccine Illustration. (Pixabay / PhotoLizM)

But doctors have warned that these changes will affect tens of thousands of elderly patients and patients prone to infection with the coronavirus.

Many people will have their second shot of Pfizer vaccine in the coming days or weeks.

Among those receiving the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine this week is the first British person to get the Pfizer vaccine, 91-year-old Margaret Keenan.

“It is very unfair for tens of thousands of patients who are at risk of being infected with the corona virus still have to wait for their second injection. Not to mention that the distribution of this vaccine is experiencing logistical problems that may require patients to wait even longer,” said Dr Richard Vautrey, Chair of the British Medical Association GP committee. The Sun.

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The Association of Physicians has written to Health Secretary Matt Hancock and JCVI outlining their concerns about the coronavirus vaccine.

“We have serious serious concerns about the sudden change in Pfizer’s vaccine regime,” said Hancock.

But Hancock said the new process would allow more people to get vaccines faster and help the country be free from the coronavirus pandemic.

Because, they can give more people the injection of the first dose of the corona virus vaccine. So that many people have gotten immunity from the first dose of the corona virus vaccine injection.

If in the original plan, Matt Hancock wanted to prioritize vulnerable people to get the first dose of vaccine. Now, all adults, including those under the age of 50, can get their first shot of the vaccine.

Even so, the second dose is still important to provide long-term protection. The Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccines can provide up to 70 percent protection 22 days after the first dose.

Furthermore, people have not needed the second dose of injection for 3 months thus allowing the medical team to vaccinate more people.

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